
trait Codec[A] extends Encoder[A] with Decoder[A]
Supports encoding a value of type A to a BitVector and decoding a BitVector to a value of A.
Not every value of A can be encoded to a bit vector and similarly, not every bit vector can be decoded to a value
of type A. Hence, both encode and decode return either an error or the result. Furthermore, decode returns the
remaining bits in the bit vector that it did not use in decoding.
There are various ways to create instances of Codec. The trait can be implemented directly or one of the
constructor methods in the companion can be used (e.g., apply). Most of the methods on Codec
create return a new codec that has been transformed in some way. For example, the xmap method
converts a Codec[A] to a Codec[B] given two functions, A => B and B => A.
One of the simplest transformation methods is def withContext(context: String): Codec[A], which
pushes the specified context string in to any errors (i.e., Errs) returned from encode or decode.
See the methods on this trait for additional transformation types.
See the codecs package object for pre-defined codecs for many common data types and combinators for building larger
codecs out of smaller ones.
== Tuple Codecs ==
The :: operator supports combining a Codec[A] and a Codec[B] in to a Codec[(A, B)].
For example:
val codec: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
There are various methods on Codec that only work on Codec[A] for some A <: Tuple. Besides the aforementioned
:: method, they include methods like ++, flatPrepend, flatConcat, etc. One particularly useful method is
dropUnits, which removes any Unit values from the tuple.
Given a Codec[(X0, X1, ..., Xn)] and a case class with types X0 to Xn in the same order,
the codec can be turned in to a case class codec via the as method. For example:
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
val threeInts: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
val point: Codec[Point] =[Point]
=== flatZip ===
Sometimes when combining codecs, a latter codec depends on a formerly decoded value.
The flatZip method is important in these types of situations -- it represents a dependency between
the left hand side and right hand side. Its signature is def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)].
This is similar to flatMap except the return type is Codec[(A, B)] instead of Decoder[B].
Consider a binary format of an 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of bytes following it.
To implement this with flatZip, we could write:
val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8.flatZip { numBytes => bytes(numBytes) }
val y: Codec[ByteVector] = x.xmap[ByteVector] ({ case (_, bv) => bv }, bv => (bv.size, bv))
In this example, x is a Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] but we do not need the size directly in the model
because it is redundant with the size stored in the ByteVector. Hence, we remove the Int by
xmap-ping over x. The notion of removing redundant data from models comes up frequently.
Note: there is a combinator that expresses this pattern more succinctly -- variableSizeBytes(uint8, bytes).
=== flatPrepend ===
When the function passed to flatZip returns a Codec[B] where B <: Tuple, you end up creating
right nested tuples instead of a extending the arity of a single tuple. To do the latter, there's
flatPrepend. It has the signature:
def flatPrepend[B <: Tuple] (f: A => Codec[B] ): Codec[A *: B]
It forms a codec of A consed on to B when called on a Codec[A] and passed a function A => Codec[B].
Note that the specified function must return a tuple codec. Implementing our example from earlier
using flatPrepend:
val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8.flatPrepend { numBytes => bytes(numBytes).tuple }
In this example, bytes(numBytes) returns a Codec[ByteVector] so we called .tuple on it to lift it
in to a Codec[ByteVector *: Unit].
There are similar methods for flat appending and flat concating.
== Derived Codecs ==
Codecs for case classes and sealed class hierarchies can often be automatically derived.
Consider this example:
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int) derives Codec
Codec[Point] .encode(Point(1, 2, 3))
In this example, no explicit codec was defined for Point and instead, an implicit one was derived as a result
of the derives Codec clause. Derivation of a codec for a case class requires each element of the case class to
have an implicitly available codec of the corresponding type. In this case, each element was an Int and there is
an implicit Codec[Int] in the companion of Codec.
Derived codecs include the name of each element in any errors produced when encoding/decoding the element.
This works similarly for ADTs / sealed class hierarchies. The binary form is represented as a single
unsigned 8-bit integer representing the ordinal of the sum, followed by the derived form of the product.
Full examples are available in the test directory of this project.
trait Decoder[A]
trait Encoder[A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


inline def flatAppend: Codec[Concat[A, B *: EmptyTuple]]
Extension method from Codec
When called on a Codec[A] for some A <: Tuple, returns a new codec that encodes/decodes
the tuple A followed by the value B, where the latter is encoded/decoded with the codec
returned from applying A to f.
def ::: Codec[A *: B]
Extension method from Codec
Builds a Codec[A *: B] from a Codec[A] and a Codec[B] where B is a tuple type.
That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple prepend operation.
Value Params
codec to prepend
inline def :+: Codec[Concat[B, A *: EmptyTuple]]
Extension method from Codec
codecB :+ codecA returns a new codec that encodes/decodes the tuple B followed by an A.
That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple append operation.
inline def ++: Codec[Concat[A, B]]
Extension method from Codec
Builds a Codec[A ++ B] from a Codec[A] and a Codec[B] where A and B are tuples.
That is, this operator is a codec-level tuple concat operation.
Value Params
codec to concat
inline def flatConcat: Codec[Concat[A, B]]
Extension method from Codec
When called on a Codec[A] for some A <: Tuple, returns a new codec that encodes/decodes
the tuple A followed by the tuple B, where the latter is encoded/decoded with the codec
returned from applying A to f.
def ::: Codec[(A, B)]
Extension method from Codec
When called on a Codec[A] where A is not a tuple, creates a new codec that encodes/decodes a tuple of (B, A).
For example,
uint8 :: utf8
has type Codec[(Int, Int)].
uint8 :: utf8
def flatPrepend: Codec[A *: B]
Extension method from Codec
Creates a new codec that encodes/decodes a tuple of A :: B given a function A => Codec[B].
This allows later parts of a tuple codec to be dependent on earlier values.
final def exmap[B](f: A => Attempt[B], g: B => Attempt[A]): Codec[B]
Transforms using two functions, A => Attempt[B] and B => Attempt[A].
final def xmap[B](f: A => B, g: B => A): Codec[B]
Transforms using the isomorphism described by two functions, A => B and B => A.
final def tuple: Codec[A *: EmptyTuple]
Lifts this codec in to a codec of a singleton tuple.
final def dropLeft[B](codecB: Codec[B])(ev: Unit =:= A): Codec[B]
Assuming A is Unit, creates a Codec[B] that: encodes the unit followed by a B;
decodes a unit followed by a B and discards the decoded unit.
final def ~>[B](codecB: Codec[B])(ev: Unit =:= A): Codec[B]
Assuming A is Unit, creates a Codec[B] that: encodes the unit followed by a B;
decodes a unit followed by a B and discards the decoded unit.
Operator alias of dropLeft.
final def dropRight[B](codecB: Codec[B])(ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[A]
Assuming B is Unit, creates a Codec[A] that: encodes the A followed by a unit;
decodes an A followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
final def <~[B](codecB: Codec[B])(ev: Unit =:= B): Codec[A]
Assuming B is Unit, creates a Codec[A] that: encodes the A followed by a unit;
decodes an A followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.
Operator alias of dropRight.
final def unit(zero: A): Codec[Unit]
Converts this to a Codec[Unit] that encodes using the specified zero value and
decodes a unit value when this codec decodes an A successfully.
final def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]
Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type (A, B) where the codec of B is dependent on A.
final def >>~[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]
Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type (A, B) where the codec of B is dependent on A.
Operator alias for flatZip.
final def consume[B](f: A => Codec[B])(g: B => A): Codec[B]
Similar to flatZip except the A type is not visible in the resulting type -- the binary
effects of the Codec[A] still occur though.
Example usage:
case class Flags(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean)
(bool :: bool :: bool :: ignore(5)).consume { flgs =>
conditional(flgs.x, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.y, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.z, uint8)
} {
case (x, y, z) => Flags(x.isDefined, y.isDefined, z.isDefined) }
final def upcast[B >: A](ct: ClassTag[A]): Codec[B]
Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a supertype.
When a subtype of B that is not a subtype of A is passed to encode,
an encoding error is returned.
final def downcast[B <: A](ct: ClassTag[B]): Codec[B]
Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a subtype.
When a supertype of B that is not a supertype of A is decoded,
an decoding error is returned.
final def withContext(context: String): Codec[A]
Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but pushes the specified
context string in to any errors returned from encode or decode.
final def withToString(str: => String): Codec[A]
Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but returns the specified string from toString.
def flatMap[B](f: A => Decoder[B]): Decoder[B]
Converts this decoder to a Decoder[B] using the supplied A => Decoder[B].
Inhertied from
def contramap[B](f: B => A): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied B => A.
Inhertied from
def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector]
Attempts to encode the specified value in to a bit vector.
Value Params
value to encode
error or binary encoding of the value
Inhertied from
def pcontramap[B](f: B => Option[A]): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied partial
function from B to A. The encoding will fail for any B that
f maps to None.
Inhertied from
def collect[F <: ([_$3] =>> Any), A2 >: A](buffer: BitVector, limit: Option[Int])(factory: Factory[A2, F[A2]]): Attempt[DecodeResult[F[A2]]]
Repeatedly decodes values of type A from the specified vector and returns a collection of the specified type.
Terminates when no more bits are available in the vector or when limit is defined and that many records have been
decoded. Exits upon first decoding error.
Inhertied from
def encodeAll(as: Iterable[A]): Attempt[BitVector]
Encodes all elements of the specified sequence and concatenates the results, or returns the first encountered error.
Inhertied from
def map[B](f: A => B): Decoder[B]
Converts this decoder to a Decoder[B] using the supplied A => B.
Inhertied from
def econtramap[B](f: B => Attempt[A]): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied B => Attempt[A].
Inhertied from
Gets this as an Encoder.
Inhertied from
def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]
Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector.
Value Params
bits to decode
error if value could not be decoded or the remaining bits and the decoded value
Inhertied from
Converts this to a codec that fails decoding with an error.
Inhertied from
Gets this as a Decoder.
Inhertied from
def emap[B](f: A => Attempt[B]): Decoder[B]
Converts this decoder to a Decoder[B] using the supplied A => Attempt[B].
Inhertied from
Provides a bound on the size of successfully encoded values.
Inhertied from
final def decodeAll[B](f: A => B)(zero: B, append: (B, B) => B)(buffer: BitVector): (Option[Err], B)
Repeatedly decodes values of type A from the specified vector, converts each value to a B and appends it to an accumulator of type
B using the supplied zero value and append function. Terminates when no more bits are available in the vector. Exits upon first decoding error.
tuple consisting of the terminating error if any and the accumulated value
Inhertied from
final def decodeValue(bits: BitVector): Attempt[A]
Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector and discards the remaining bits.
Value Params
bits to decode
error if value could not be decoded or the decoded value
Inhertied from

Value members


inline def dropUnits: Codec[DropUnits[A]]
Extension method from Codec
def as[B](using iso: Iso[A, B]): Codec[B]
Transforms this codec to a Codec[B] if A is isomorphic to B.
This is most commonly used to convert a tuple codec to a case class:
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
val c: Codec[(Int, Int, Int)] = int8 :: int8 :: int8
val p: Codec[Point] =[Point]
@deprecated("Use .tuple instead", "2.0.0")
final def hlist: Codec[A *: EmptyTuple]
final override def complete: Codec[A]
Definition Classes
final override def compact: Codec[A]
Definition Classes
override def decodeOnly[AA >: A]: Codec[AA]
Definition Classes