
trait Encoder[-A]
Supports encoding a value of type A to a BitVector.
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any


def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector]
Attempts to encode the specified value in to a bit vector.
Value Params
value to encode
error or binary encoding of the value
Provides a bound on the size of successfully encoded values.
def contramap[B](f: B => A): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied B => A.
def pcontramap[B](f: B => Option[A]): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied partial
function from B to A. The encoding will fail for any B that
f maps to None.
def econtramap[B](f: B => Attempt[A]): Encoder[B]
Converts this encoder to an Encoder[B] using the supplied B => Attempt[A].
Converts this encoder to a new encoder that compacts the generated bit vector before returning it
Gets this as an Encoder.
Converts this to a codec that fails decoding with an error.
def encodeAll(as: Iterable[A]): Attempt[BitVector]
Encodes all elements of the specified sequence and concatenates the results, or returns the first encountered error.