


package interpreter

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class CommitmentHint extends Hint

    A family of hints which are about a correspondence between a public image of a secret image and prover's commitment to randomness ("a" in a sigma protocol).

  2. case class ContextExtension(values: Map[Byte, EvaluatedValue[_ <: SType]]) extends Product with Serializable

    User-defined variables to be put into context

    User-defined variables to be put into context


    - key-value pairs

  3. case class CostedProverResult(proof: Array[Byte], extension: ContextExtension, cost: Long) extends ProverResult with Product with Serializable
  4. trait Hint extends AnyRef

    A hint for a prover which helps the prover to prove a statement.

    A hint for a prover which helps the prover to prove a statement. For example, if the statement is "pk1 && pk2", and the prover knows only a secret for the public key pk1, the prover fails on proving without a hint. But if the prover knows that pk2 is known to another party, the prover may prove the statement (with an empty proof for "pk2").

  5. case class HintsBag(hints: Seq[Hint]) extends Product with Serializable

    Collection of hints to be used by a prover

    Collection of hints to be used by a prover


    - hints stored in the bag

  6. trait Interpreter extends ScorexLogging
  7. trait InterpreterContext extends AnyRef
  8. case class OwnCommitment(image: SigmaBoolean, secretRandomness: BigInteger, commitment: FirstProverMessage, position: NodePosition) extends CommitmentHint with Product with Serializable

    A hint which a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret, as well as randomness itself.

    A hint which a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret, as well as randomness itself. Please note that this randomness should be kept in secret by the prover.


    - image of a secret


    - randomness


    - commitment to randomness used while proving knowledge of the secret

  9. trait ProverInterpreter extends Interpreter with ProverUtils with AttributionCore

    Interpreter with enhanced functionality to prove statements.

  10. class ProverResult extends AnyRef

    Proof of correctness of tx spending

  11. trait ProverUtils extends Interpreter
  12. case class RealCommitment(image: SigmaBoolean, commitment: FirstProverMessage, position: NodePosition) extends CommitmentHint with Product with Serializable

    A hint which contains a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret.

    A hint which contains a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret.


    - image of a secret


    - commitment to randomness used while proving knowledge of the secret

  13. case class RealSecretProof(image: SigmaBoolean, challenge: Challenge, uncheckedTree: UncheckedTree, position: NodePosition) extends SecretProven with Product with Serializable

    A hint which contains a proof-of-knowledge for a secret associated with its public image "image", with also the mark that the proof is real.

  14. abstract class SecretProven extends Hint

    A hint which is indicating that a secret associated with its public image "image" is already proven.

  15. case class SimulatedCommitment(image: SigmaBoolean, commitment: FirstProverMessage, position: NodePosition) extends CommitmentHint with Product with Serializable

    A hint which contains a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret.

    A hint which contains a commitment to randomness associated with a public image of a secret.


    - image of a secret


    - commitment to randomness used while proving knowledge of the secret

  16. case class SimulatedSecretProof(image: SigmaBoolean, challenge: Challenge, uncheckedTree: UncheckedTree, position: NodePosition) extends SecretProven with Product with Serializable

    A hint which contains a proof-of-knowledge for a secret associated with its public image "image", with also the mark that the proof is real.

Value Members

  1. object ContextExtension extends Serializable
  2. object CryptoConstants
  3. object CryptoFunctions
  4. object HintsBag extends Serializable
  5. object Interpreter
  6. object ProverResult
