
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Eff.type
object EffCreation.type
object all.type
object create.type
object eff.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def ap[R, A, B](a: Eff[R, A])(f: Eff[R, A => B]): Eff[R, B]

apply a function to an Eff value using the applicative instance

apply a function to an Eff value using the applicative instance

def collapse[R, M[_], A](r: Eff[R, M[A]])(implicit m: MemberIn[M, R]): Eff[R, A]

use the internal effect as one of the stack effects

use the internal effect as one of the stack effects

def flatTraverseA[R, F[_], A, B](fs: F[A])(f: A => Eff[R, F[B]])(implicit FT: Traverse[F], FM: Monad[F]): Eff[R, F[B]]

use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values, then flatten it

use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values, then flatten it

def impure[R, X, A](union: Union[R, X], continuation: Arrs[R, X, A]): Eff[R, A]

create a impure value from an union of effects and a continuation

create a impure value from an union of effects and a continuation

def pure[R, A](a: A): Eff[R, A]

create a pure value

create a pure value

def send[T[_], R, V](tv: T[V])(implicit member: MemberIn[T, R]): Eff[R, V]

create an Eff[R, A] value from an effectful value of type T[V] provided that T is one of the effects of R

create an Eff[R, A] value from an effectful value of type T[V] provided that T is one of the effects of R

def sequenceA[R, F[_] : Traverse, A](fs: F[Eff[R, A]]): Eff[R, F[A]]

use the applicative instance of Eff to sequence a list of values

use the applicative instance of Eff to sequence a list of values

def traverseA[R, F[_] : Traverse, A, B](fs: F[A])(f: A => Eff[R, B]): Eff[R, F[B]]

use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values

use the applicative instance of Eff to traverse a list of values

def unit[R]: Eff[R, Unit]

create an Eff value for ()

create an Eff value for ()