
class EditMatrix[T](s1: IndexedSeq[T], s2: IndexedSeq[T], costs: EditDistanceCosts[T])

Edit matrix for 2 given sequences

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type DistanceMatrix = Array[Array[EditDistanceOp]]

Value members

Concrete methods

def cost(s1: IndexedSeq[T], s2: IndexedSeq[T], i: Int, j: Int, matrix: DistanceMatrix): EditDistanceOp

the cost for DistanceMatrix(i, j)

def distance: Int

the edit distance between 2 strings

def operations: IndexedSeq[EditDistanceOperation[T]]

show the differences between 2 sequences as a list of operations from one to the other

show the differences between 2 sequences as a list of operations from one to the other

def showMatrix: String

prints the edit matrix of the 2 sequence

prints the edit matrix of the 2 sequence