
trait Notifier

This trait can be used for any event concerning the execution of examples seen as a Tree of Fragments.

A pair of contextStart/contextEnd calls delimits a sequence of children in that tree.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def contextEnd(text: String, location: String): Unit
def contextStart(text: String, location: String): Unit
def exampleError(name: String, message: String, location: String, f: Throwable, duration: Long): Unit
def exampleFailure(name: String, message: String, location: String, f: Throwable, details: Details, duration: Long): Unit
def examplePending(name: String, message: String, location: String, duration: Long): Unit
def exampleSkipped(name: String, message: String, location: String, duration: Long): Unit
def exampleStarted(name: String, location: String): Unit
def exampleSuccess(name: String, duration: Long): Unit
def specEnd(title: String, location: String): Unit
def specStart(title: String, location: String): Unit
def stepError(message: String, location: String, f: Throwable, duration: Long): Unit
def stepStarted(location: String): Unit
def stepSuccess(duration: Long): Unit
def text(text: String, location: String): Unit