
object Execution
trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T : AsResult](r: => T, continuation: FragmentsContinuation): Execution

create an execution with a Continuation

create an execution with a Continuation

def executed[T : AsResult](r: T): Execution

create an execution which will not execute but directly return a value

create an execution which will not execute but directly return a value

def getStatistics(env: Env, specClassName: String): Result

get the execution statistics of a specification as a Decorated result

get the execution statistics of a specification as a Decorated result

def result[T : AsResult](r: => T): Execution

create an execution returning a specific result

create an execution returning a specific result

def specificationStats(specClassName: String): Execution

insert the specification statistics for a given specification

insert the specification statistics for a given specification

def withEnv[T : AsResult](f: Env => T): Execution

create an execution using the Env, synchronously by default

create an execution using the Env, synchronously by default

def withEnvAsync[T : AsResult](f: Env => Future[T]): Execution

create an execution using the Env

create an execution using the Env

create an execution using the Env and Flatten the execution

create an execution using the Env and Flatten the execution

def withEnvSync[T : AsResult](f: Env => T): Execution

create an execution using the Env

create an execution using the Env

def withExecutionContext[T : AsResult](f: ExecutionContext => T): Execution

create an execution using the execution context

create an execution using the execution context

def withExecutionEnv[T : AsResult](f: ExecutionEnv => T): Execution

create an execution using the execution environment

create an execution using the execution environment

Concrete fields

nothing to execute

nothing to execute



implicit def finiteDurationMonoid: Monoid[Option[FiniteDuration]]
implicit def showInstance: Show[Execution]