
trait SbtEvents

Sbt events for a given TaskDef and event handler

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class SpecSuiteEvent(status: Status, throwable: OptionalThrowable) extends Event
class SpecTestEvent(name: String, status: Status, durationInMillis: Option[Long], throwable: OptionalThrowable) extends Event

Value members

Abstract methods

def handler: EventHandler

sbt event handler to notify of successes/failures

sbt event handler to notify of successes/failures

def taskDef: TaskDef

sbt task definition for this run

sbt task definition for this run

Concrete methods

def canceled(name: String): Unit
def error(name: String, durationInMillis: Long, exception: Throwable): Unit
def failure(name: String, durationInMillis: Long, exception: Throwable): Unit
def ignored(name: String, durationInMillis: Long): Unit
def pending(name: String, durationInMillis: Long): Unit
def skipped(name: String, durationInMillis: Long): Unit
def succeeded(name: String, durationInMillis: Long): Unit
def suiteError(): Unit
def suiteError(exception: Throwable): Unit