
class TextPrinter(env: Env) extends Printer

Prints the result of a specification execution to the console (using the line logger provided by the environment)

At the end of the run the specification statistics are displayed as well.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
trait Printer
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def finalize(specifications: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit]
def indentText(text: String, indentation: Int, args: Arguments): String
def indentationSize(args: Arguments): Int
def linesLoggerSink(logger: PrinterLogger, header: SpecHeader, args: Arguments): AsyncSink[List[LogLine]]
def location(r: ResultStackTrace, fragmentLocation: Location, args: Arguments): String
def prepare(specifications: List[SpecStructure]): Action[Unit]
def printError(show: String, result: Error, fragmentLocation: Location, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printExecutable(description: Description, result: Result, fragmentLocation: Location, timer: SimpleTimer, args: Arguments, indentation: Int): List[LogLine]

print an executed fragment: example, step, action

print an executed fragment: example, step, action

def printFailure(show: String, failure: Failure, fragmentLocation: Location, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printFailureDetails(args: Arguments): Details => List[LogLine]

If the failure contains the expected and actual values, display them

If the failure contains the expected and actual values, display them

def printFinalStats(spec: SpecStructure, args: Arguments, logger: PrinterLogger): ((Stats, Int), SimpleTimer) => Action[Unit]
def printFragment(args: Arguments): (Fragment, ((Stats, Int), SimpleTimer)) => Action[List[LogLine]]

transform a stream of fragments into a stream of strings for printing

transform a stream of fragments into a stream of strings for printing

def printHeader(args: Arguments): SpecHeader => List[LogLine]
def printMessage(description: String, result: Result & ResultStackTrace, fragmentLocation: Location, as: String => LogLine, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printOther(show: String, other: Result, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printPending(show: String, pending: Pending, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printSkipped(show: String, skipped: Skipped, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printStacktrace(stacktrace: List[StackTraceElement], print: Boolean, as: String => LogLine, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printStats(header: SpecHeader, args: Arguments, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer): List[LogLine]
def printSuccess(show: String, success: Success, args: Arguments): List[LogLine]
def printSummary(descriptions: (String, Seq[String])*): List[FailureLine]

print a short summary of differences between Seqs, Sets or Maps

print a short summary of differences between Seqs, Sets or Maps

def printValues(description: String, values: Seq[Any]): List[FailureLine]

show values as a string with a description

show values as a string with a description

def run(spec: SpecStructure): Unit

run a specification

run a specification

def showTime(description: String, timer: SimpleTimer, args: Arguments): String

show execution times if the showtimes argument is true

show execution times if the showtimes argument is true

def sink(spec: SpecStructure): AsyncSink[Fragment]
def start(logger: PrinterLogger, header: SpecHeader, args: Arguments): Action[PrinterLogger]
def statusAndDescription(text: String, result: Result)(args: Arguments): String

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from