All Classes and Interfaces

Lifecycle methods that may be useful and common to ServiceRegistry implementations.
Base class for factories which produce circuit breakers.
Convenience class for relaying an access token from the SecurityContext to the OAuth2ClientContext.
Interface for creating an HttpClientConnectionManager.
Factory for creating a new CloseableHttpClient.
Auto-configuration for blocking client-side load balancing.
Spring Cloud circuit breaker.
Creates circuit breakers based on the underlying implementation.
RetryableStatusCodeException that captures a ClientHttpResponse.
Registers a default RemoteResourceRefresher if at least one RemoteResource is declared in the system.
Configuration for Cloud hypermedia.
Configuration for Cloud hypermedia refresh.
Auto-configuration for Spring Cloud Commons Client.
Analyzer for the CompatibilityNotMetException.
Auto-configuration that fails the build fast for incompatible versions of dependencies (e.g.
Allows propagation of data related to load-balanced call completion status.
Request status state.
A DiscoveryClient that is composed of other discovery clients and delegates calls to each of them in order.
Auto-configuration for composite discovery client.
Provides a more succinct conditional
Provides a more succinct conditional
Provides a more succinct conditional
Provides a more succinct conditional
A builder for circuit breaker configurations.
Customizes the parameterized class.
Default implementation of ApacheHttpClientConnectionManagerFactory.
Default implementation of ApacheHttpClientFactory.
Default implementation of OkHttpClientConnectionPoolFactory.
Default implementation of OkHttpClientFactory.
A default implementation of Request.
Contains information relevant to the request.
Provides mappings including the default mappings.
Default implementation of ServiceInstance.
DeferringLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction<T extends org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ExchangeFilterFunction>
An ExchangeFilterFunction implementation that uses ObjectProvider to resolve appropriate load-balancing ExchangeFilterFunction delegate when the ExchangeFilterFunction.filter(ClientRequest, ExchangeFunction) method is first called.
A REST resource that is defined by a service reference and a traversal operation within that service.
Represents read operations commonly available to discovery services such as Netflix Eureka or
Adapter that converts a collection of DiscoveryHealthIndicator beans into a CompositeHealthContributor.
A health indicator interface specific to a DiscoveryClient implementation.
ServiceInstanceProvider to work with a DiscoveryClient to look up a service by name.
as of the 3.0.1 release.
Imports a single circuit breaker implementation configuration.
Annotation to enable a DiscoveryClient implementation.
A utility class for load-balanced ExchangeFilterFunction instances.
An event that a DiscoveryClient implementation can broadcast if it supports heartbeats from the discovery server.
Helper class for listeners to the HeartbeatEvent, providing a convenient way to determine if there has been a change in state.
Allows propagating hints to the LoadBalancer.
Represents a LoadBalancerRequest created on top of an HttpRequest.
Host information pojo.
Properties for InetUtils.
An event to fire before a service is registered.
Event to be published after the local service instance registers itself with a discovery service.
RetryPolicy used by the LoadBalancerClient when retrying failed requests.
Annotation to mark a RestTemplate or WebClient bean to be configured to use a LoadBalancerClient.
A marker interface for load-balanced ExchangeFilterFunction instances.
An implementation of RecoveryCallback which relies on an implementation of RetryableStatusCodeException to contain the last response object from the request.
RetryContext for load-balanced retries.
Factory class used to customize the retry functionality throughout Spring Cloud.
Retry logic to use for the LoadBalancerClient.
Auto-configuration for blocking client-side load balancing.
Auto configuration for retry mechanism.
Auto configuration for retry intercepting mechanism.
An auto-configuration that provides a BeanPostProcessor that allows the use of a LoadBalanced WebClient.Builder with ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction and ReactiveLoadBalancer used under the hood.
Represents a client-side load balancer.
Allows applications to transform the load-balanced ClientRequest given the chosen ServiceInstance.
A ConfigurationProperties bean for Spring Cloud Loadbalancer.
Allows to define actions that should be carried out before and after load-balancing.
Utility class containing methods that allow to filter out supported LoadBalancerLifecycle beans.
The base configuration bean for Spring Cloud LoadBalancer.
Simple interface used by LoadBalancerClient to apply metrics or pre and post actions around load balancer requests.
An adapter class that allows creating Request objects from previously LoadBalancerRequest objects.
Allows applications to transform the load-balanced HttpRequest given the chosen ServiceInstance.
Stores the data for a load-balanced call that is being retried.
Pluggable policy used to establish whether a given load-balanced call should be retried.
A BeanPostProcessor that applies DeferringLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction filter to all WebClient.Builder instances annotated with LoadBalanced.
Utility class for management server ports.
Enumeration for management server ports.
A runtime exception that tells no fallback is available for the circuit breaker.
Creates ConnectionPools for OkHttpClients.
Creates new OkHttpClients.
A X509TrustManager that does not validate SSL certificates.
A HostnameVerifier that does not validate any hostnames.
Heartbeat event that a parent ApplicationContext can send to a child context.
Spring Cloud reactive circuit breaker API.
Creates reactive circuit breakers.
Auto-configuration for reactive Spring Cloud Commons Client.
A ReactiveDiscoveryClient that is composed of other discovery clients and delegates calls to each of them in order.
Auto-configuration for reactive composite discovery client.
Represents read operations commonly available to discovery services such as Netflix Eureka or
A health indicator which indicates whether the discovery client has been initialized.
A composite health contributor specific to a reactive discovery client implementation.
A health indicator interface specific to a reactive discovery client implementation.
Reactive load balancer.
An auto-configuration that allows the use of a LoadBalanced WebClient.Builder with ReactorLoadBalancerExchangeFilterFunction and ReactiveLoadBalancer used under the hood.
An ExchangeFilterFunction that uses ReactiveLoadBalancer to execute requests against a correct ServiceInstance.
A marker interface used by a ServiceRegistry.
A REST resource that can be discovered and can be either gone or available.
A ScheduledTaskRegistrar that verifies all DiscoveredResource instances in the system, based on the given timing configuration.
Marker interface for a request.
Represents the data of the request that can be safely read (without passing request reactive stream values).
Adds an MVC interceptor for relaying OAuth2 access tokens into the client context (if there is one).
A WebMvcConfigurer for the access token interceptor.
Response created for each request.
Represents the data of the request that can be safely read (without passing request reactive stream values).
The default implementation of LoadBalancerRetryPolicy.
An ExchangeFilterFunction that uses ReactiveLoadBalancer to execute requests against a correct ServiceInstance and Reactor Retries to retry the call both against the same and the next service instance, based on the provided LoadBalancerRetryPolicy.
A request context object that allows storing information on previously used service instances.
Exception to be thrown when the status code is deemed to be retryable.
Represents an instance of a service in a discovery system.
Implemented by classes which use a load balancer to choose a server to send a request to.
A component that will provide a ServiceInstance, or can express the absence of one by returning null.
Contract to register and deregister instances with a Service Registry.
Endpoint to display and set the service instance status using the ServiceRegistry.
A DiscoveryClient that will use the properties file as a source of service instances.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for simple properties-based discovery client.
Properties to hold the details of a DiscoveryClient service instances for a given service.
A ReactiveDiscoveryClient that will use the properties file as a source of service instances.
Spring Boot auto-configuration for simple properties-based reactive discovery client.
Properties to hold the details of a ReactiveDiscoveryClient service instance for a given service.
This annotation has been deprecated as of the 3.0.1 release.
Selects configurations to load, defined by the generic type T.
A ServiceInstanceProvider that will always return the configured ServiceInstance.
TaskSchedulerWrapper<T extends org.springframework.scheduling.TaskScheduler>
Wrapper that downstream projects can use to keep ThreadPoolTaskScheduler local.
Allows setting and retrieving request start time.
Common client TLS properties.
Callback to define the traversal to a resource.
Callback interface that can be used to customize a WebClient.Builder.