Interface AddAssociationRequest.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • sourceArn

        AddAssociationRequest.Builder sourceArn​(String sourceArn)

        The ARN of the source.

        sourceArn - The ARN of the source.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • destinationArn

        AddAssociationRequest.Builder destinationArn​(String destinationArn)

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination.

        destinationArn - The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination.
        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
      • associationType

        AddAssociationRequest.Builder associationType​(String associationType)

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        associationType - The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        AssociationEdgeType, AssociationEdgeType
      • associationType

        AddAssociationRequest.Builder associationType​(AssociationEdgeType associationType)

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        associationType - The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        Returns a reference to this object so that method calls can be chained together.
        See Also:
        AssociationEdgeType, AssociationEdgeType