Class AddAssociationRequest

    • Method Detail

      • sourceArn

        public final String sourceArn()

        The ARN of the source.

        The ARN of the source.
      • destinationArn

        public final String destinationArn()

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination.

        The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the destination.
      • associationType

        public final AssociationEdgeType associationType()

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, associationType will return AssociationEdgeType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from associationTypeAsString().

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        See Also:
      • associationTypeAsString

        public final String associationTypeAsString()

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        If the service returns an enum value that is not available in the current SDK version, associationType will return AssociationEdgeType.UNKNOWN_TO_SDK_VERSION. The raw value returned by the service is available from associationTypeAsString().

        The type of association. The following are suggested uses for each type. Amazon SageMaker places no restrictions on their use.

        • ContributedTo - The source contributed to the destination or had a part in enabling the destination. For example, the training data contributed to the training job.

        • AssociatedWith - The source is connected to the destination. For example, an approval workflow is associated with a model deployment.

        • DerivedFrom - The destination is a modification of the source. For example, a digest output of a channel input for a processing job is derived from the original inputs.

        • Produced - The source generated the destination. For example, a training job produced a model artifact.

        See Also:
      • toString

        public final String toString()
        Returns a string representation of this object. This is useful for testing and debugging. Sensitive data will be redacted from this string using a placeholder value.
        toString in class Object