Class SdkDefaultClientBuilder<B extends SdkClientBuilder<B,​C>,​C>

  • Type Parameters:
    B - The type of builder, for chaining.
    C - The type of client generated by this builder.
    All Implemented Interfaces:
    SdkClientBuilder<B,​C>, Buildable, SdkBuilder<B,​C>

    public abstract class SdkDefaultClientBuilder<B extends SdkClientBuilder<B,​C>,​C>
    extends Object
    implements SdkClientBuilder<B,​C>
    An SDK-internal implementation of the methods in SdkClientBuilder, SdkAsyncClientBuilder and SdkSyncClientBuilder. This implements all methods required by those interfaces, allowing service-specific builders to just implement the configuration they wish to add.

    By implementing both the sync and async interface's methods, service-specific builders can share code between their sync and async variants without needing one to extend the other. Note: This only defines the methods in the sync and async builder interfaces. It does not implement the interfaces themselves. This is because the sync and async client builder interfaces both require a type-constrained parameter for use in fluent chaining, and a generic type parameter conflict is introduced into the class hierarchy by this interface extending the builder interfaces themselves.

    Like all SdkClientBuilders, this class is not thread safe.