Interface ClientAsyncConfiguration.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • advancedOption

        <T> ClientAsyncConfiguration.Builder advancedOption​(SdkAdvancedAsyncClientOption<T> option,
                                                            T value)
        Configure an advanced async option. These values are used very rarely, and the majority of SDK customers can ignore them.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the option.
        option - The option to configure.
        value - The value of the option.
      • advancedOptions

        ClientAsyncConfiguration.Builder advancedOptions​(Map<SdkAdvancedAsyncClientOption<?>,​?> advancedOptions)
        Configure the map of advanced override options. This will override all values currently configured. The values in the map must match the key type of the map, or a runtime exception will be raised.