Class SdkAdvancedAsyncClientOption<T>

    • Field Detail


        public static final SdkAdvancedAsyncClientOption<Executor> FUTURE_COMPLETION_EXECUTOR
        Configure the Executor that should be used to complete the CompletableFuture that is returned by the async service client. By default, this is a dedicated, per-client ThreadPoolExecutor that is managed by the SDK.

        The configured Executor will be invoked by the async HTTP client's I/O threads (e.g., EventLoops), which must be reserved for non-blocking behavior. Blocking an I/O thread can cause severe performance degradation, including across multiple clients, as clients are configured, by default, to share a single I/O thread pool (e.g., EventLoopGroup).

        You should typically only want to customize the future-completion Executor for a few possible reasons:

        1. You want more fine-grained control over the ThreadPoolExecutor used, such as configuring the pool size or sharing a single pool between multiple clients.
        2. You want to add instrumentation (i.e., metrics) around how the Executor is used.
        3. You know, for certain, that all of your CompletableFuture usage is strictly non-blocking, and you wish to remove the minor overhead incurred by using a separate thread. In this case, you can use Runnable::run to execute the future-completion directly from within the I/O thread.