
class Expect extends Recorder[Boolean, Expectations] with UnaryRecorder[Boolean, Expectations] with ExpectSame
trait ExpectSame
trait UnaryRecorder[Boolean, Expectations]
class Recorder[Boolean, Expectations]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

inline def all(inline recordings: Boolean*): Expectations

Inherited methods

inline def apply(recording: Boolean, message: => String): Expectations
Inherited from
inline def apply(recording: Boolean): Expectations
Inherited from
def eql[A](expected: A, found: A)(eqA: Eq[A], showA: Show[A], loc: SourceLocation): Expectations
Inherited from
def same[A](expected: A, found: A)(eqA: Eq[A], showA: Show[A], loc: SourceLocation): Expectations

Same as eql but defaults to universal equality.

Same as eql but defaults to universal equality.

Inherited from

Concrete fields

lazy override val listener: RecorderListener[Boolean, Expectations]