
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



implicit def classBasedInstance[A](ct: ClassTag[A]): ResourceTag[A]
@implicitAmbiguous("\n\nCould not find an implicit ResourceTag instance for type ${F}[${A}]\n".+("This is likely because ${F} is subject to type erasure. You can implement a ResourceTag manually ").+("or wrap the item you are trying to store/access, in some monomorphic case class that is not subject ").+("to type erasure\n\n"))
implicit def notProvided1[F[_], A](ct: ClassTag[F[A]]): ResourceTag[F[A]]
implicit def notProvided2[F[_], A](ct: ClassTag[F[A]]): ResourceTag[F[A]]
@implicitAmbiguous("\n\nCould not find an implicit ResourceTag instance for type ${HKF}[${F}]\n".+("This is likely because ${HKF} is subject to type erasure. You can implement a ResourceTag manually ").+("or wrap the item you are trying to store/access, in some monomorphic case class that is not subject ").+("to type erasure\n\n"))
implicit def notProvided3[HKF[_[_]], F[_]](ct: ClassTag[HKF[F]]): ResourceTag[HKF[F]]
implicit def notProvided4[HKF[_[_]], F[_]](ct: ClassTag[HKF[F]]): ResourceTag[HKF[F]]