
abstract class FunSuiteF[F[_]] extends RunnableSuite[F] with FunSuiteAux
class RunnableSuite[F]
trait EffectSuite[F]
trait Here
trait EffectSuiteAux
trait Suite[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited types

final type EffectType[A] = F[A]
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

override def name: String
Definition Classes
def plan: List[TestName]
override def runUnsafe(args: List[String])(report: TestOutcome => Unit): Unit
Definition Classes
override def spec(args: List[String]): Stream[F, TestOutcome]
Definition Classes
override def test(name: TestName)(run: => Expectations): Unit
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

protected def adaptRunError: PartialFunction[Throwable, Throwable]
Inherited from
def cancel(reason: String)(pos: SourceLocation): F[Nothing]

Raise an error that leads to the running test being tagged as "cancelled".

Raise an error that leads to the running test being tagged as "cancelled".

Inherited from
inline def here: SourceLocation

Pulls source location without being affected by implicit scope.

Pulls source location without being affected by implicit scope.

Inherited from
def ignore(reason: String)(pos: SourceLocation): F[Nothing]

Raises an error that leads to the running test being tagged as "ignored"

Raises an error that leads to the running test being tagged as "ignored"

Inherited from
final def run(args: List[String])(report: TestOutcome => F[Unit]): F[Unit]
Inherited from


Inherited implicits

final implicit protected def effect: Async[F]
Inherited from
implicit protected def effectCompat: UnsafeRun[EffectType]
Inherited from