
final case class KMap1_2[K[_], V[_, _, _], TC[_, _, _]](map: Map[K[Nothing], V[Nothing, Nothing, Nothing]]) extends AnyVal

KMap where values are parameterized by 2 additional type parameters, uniquely determined by a typeclass instance. Type safety relies on TC[A, B, C] being functional in A, i.e. for each A there are globally unique B, C such that there is an instance of TC[A, B, C].

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def -[A](k: K[A]): KMap1_2[K, V, TC]
def apply[A, B, C](k: K[A])(implicit ev: TC[A, B, C]): V[A, B, C]
def get[A, B, C](k: K[A])(implicit ev: TC[A, B, C]): Option[V[A, B, C]]
def isEmpty: Boolean
def nonEmpty: Boolean
def put[A, B, C](k: K[A])(v: V[A, B, C])(implicit ev: TC[A, B, C]): KMap1_2[K, V, TC]
def size: Int
def tail: KMap1_2[K, V, TC]
def updated[A, B, C](k: K[A])(v: V[A, B, C])(combineIfPresent: (V[A, B, C], V[A, B, C]) => V[A, B, C])(implicit ev: TC[A, B, C]): KMap1_2[K, V, TC]

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: