
sealed abstract class AList1[F[_, _], A, B]

Type-aligned list with at least 1 element. Example:

F[A, X], F[X, Y], F[Y, Z], F[Z, B]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class ACons[F, A, B, C]
class AJust[F, A, B]

Type members


type A1

Value members

Abstract methods

def head: F[A, A1]
def tail: AList[F, A1, B]

Concrete methods

def ++[C](that: AList1[F, B, C]): AList1[F, A, C]
def ::[Z](fza: F[Z, A]): AList1[F, Z, B]
def :::[Z](that: AList1[F, Z, A]): AList1[F, Z, B]
def :::[Z](that: AList[F, Z, A]): AList1[F, Z, B]
def foldLeft[G[_]](ga: G[A])(implicit G: FunctorLike[G, F]): G[B]
def foldLeftWhile[G[_], H[_]](ga: G[A])(tr: NaturalTransformation[[α] =>> APair[G, F], [α] =>> H[α] \/ G[α]]): APair[H, [_] =>> AList[F, _$22, B]] \/ G[B]
def foldRight[G[_]](gb: G[B])(implicit G: ContravariantLike[G, F]): G[A]
def reduce(implicit F: Compose[F]): F[A, B]

Compose the elements of this list in a balanced binary fashion.

Compose the elements of this list in a balanced binary fashion.

def reduceLeft(implicit F: Compose[F]): F[A, B]
def reverse: Composed1[F, A, B]
def toList: AList[F, A, B]
def uncons: Either[F[A, B], APair[[_] =>> F[A, _$3], [_] =>> AList1[F, _$4, B]]]