
trait ObjectSerializer[A, S, Ptr[_]]

Serialization of (potentially cyclic) object graphs. Features:

  • abstracted over pointers;
  • termination and correctness in presence of cycles;
  • stack safety.
Type parameters:

type of objects that this serializer can serialize.


abstraction of pointers.


type of data this serializer writes when serializing A, e.g. String, byte array, etc.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait FromSerialize[A, S, Ptr]
trait FromWrite[A, S, Ptr]
ObjectSerializer[A, S, Ptr]

Value members

Abstract methods

def pointer: ObjectSerializer[Ptr[A], S, Ptr]
def serialize[M[_]](a: A)(implicit ev: MonadObjectOutput[M, S, Ptr]): M[Unit]
def write[O](out: O, a: A)(implicit ev: ObjectOutput[O, S, Ptr]): O

Concrete methods

final def free(a: A): FreeObjectOutput[S, Ptr, Unit]
def shallowShow(implicit S: ShowK[Ptr], ev: S === String): Show[A]
def show(deref: NaturalTransformation[Ptr, Id], showRef: NaturalTransformation[Ptr, [α] =>> String])(decorateReferenced: NaturalTransformation[Ptr, [α] =>> Decoration[String]], decorateUnreferenced: NaturalTransformation[Ptr, [α] =>> Decoration[String]], decorateReference: String => String)(implicit E: HEqualK[Ptr], ev: S === String): Show[A]