
trait PropBuilder[P[_, _]]

This trait builds objects representing properties, which are typically on the left hand side of the prop := value syntax.

This trait builds objects representing properties, which are typically on the left hand side of the prop := value syntax.

See also:

Type Params

DOM Property, canonically com.raquo.domtypes.generic.keys.Prop

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def prop[V, DomV](key: String, codec: Codec[V, DomV]): P[V, DomV]

Create a DOM Property

Create a DOM Property

Concrete methods

protected def doubleProp(key: String): P[Double, Double]
protected def intProp(key: String): P[Int, Int]
protected def stringProp(key: String): P[String, String]