
trait Auto
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete fields

lazy override val auto: StyleSetter

This keyword allows the browser to use an algorithm to choose between under and alphabetic.

This keyword allows the browser to use an algorithm to choose between under and alphabetic.

lazy val left: StyleSetter

In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the left of the characters. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under.

In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the left of the characters. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under.

lazy val right: StyleSetter

In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the right of the characters. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under.

In vertical writing-modes, this keyword forces the line to be placed on the right of the characters. In horizontal writing-modes, it is a synonym of under.

lazy val under: StyleSetter

This keyword forces the line to be set below the alphabetic baseline, at a position where it won't cross any descender. This is useful to prevent chemical or mathematical formulas, which make a large use of subscripts, to be illegible.

This keyword forces the line to be set below the alphabetic baseline, at a position where it won't cross any descender. This is useful to prevent chemical or mathematical formulas, which make a large use of subscripts, to be illegible.