
class HtmlProp[V, DomV](val name: String, val codec: Codec[V, DomV]) extends Key

This class represents a DOM Element Property. Meaning the key that can be set, not a key-value pair.

Note: following the Javascript DOM Spec, Properties are distinct from Attributes even when they share a name.

Type parameters:

type of values that this Property holds in the native Javascript DOM


type of values that this Property can be set to

class Key
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
HtmlProp[V, DomV]

Value members

Concrete methods

def :=(value: V): PropSetter[V, DomV]
def <--(values: Source[V]): PropUpdater[V, DomV]
def apply(value: V): PropSetter[V, DomV]
def maybe(value: Option[V]): Setter[HtmlElement]

Concrete fields

val codec: Codec[V, DomV]
override val name: String