
Type members


final class InsertContext[+El <: Base](val parentNode: El, var sentinelNode: Base, var strictMode: Boolean, var extraNodeCount: Int, var extraNodes: Children, var extraNodesMap: JsMap[Node, Base])

InsertContext represents the state of the DOM inside an inserter block like child <-- ..., children <-- ..., child.text <-- ..., etc. The data stored in this context is used by Laminar to efficiently update the DOM, to detect (and recover from) external changes to the DOM, and for other related tasks.

InsertContext represents the state of the DOM inside an inserter block like child <-- ..., children <-- ..., child.text <-- ..., etc. The data stored in this context is used by Laminar to efficiently update the DOM, to detect (and recover from) external changes to the DOM, and for other related tasks.

InsertContext is a mutable data structure that is created once for each inserter, and the inserter updates it as it processes new data. However, in case of onMountInsert, only one context is created, and is then reused for all inserters created inside onMountInsert. This allows for intuitive preservation of DOM state if the element is unmounted and mounted again (for example, onMountInsert(child <-- stream) will keep the last emitted child in the DOM even if the element is unmounted and re-mounted).

#Note: The params that describe extraNodes below can get out of sync with the real DOM.

This can happen if an child element is removed from the DOM – either externally, or more likely because it was moved from this inserter into another one, and the addition to the other inserter was processed before the removal from this inserter is processed (the order of these operations depends on the propagation order of the observables feeding these two inserters). The Inserter code must account for this and not fail in such cases, and must correct the values accordingly on the next observable update.

#Note: The params that describe extraNodes below must be kept consistent manually (#Perf)

                        Inserter "steals" an element from this one just before the
                        observable source of this inserter provides a new list of
                        children (with the stolen element removed from the list).
Value parameters:
  • Number of child nodes in addition to the sentinel node. Warning: can get out of sync with the real DOM!
  • Ordered list of child nodes in addition to the sentinel node. Warning: can get out of sync with the real DOM!
  • Map of child nodes, for more efficient search Warning: can get out of sync with the real DOM!
  • A special invisible comment node that tells Laminar where to insert the dynamic children, and where to expect previously inserted dynamic children.
  • If true, Laminar guarantees that it will keep a dedicated sentinel node instead of using the extra node (content node) for that purpose. This is needed in order to allow users to move an element from one inserter to another, or to externally remove some of the elements previously added by an inserter. child.text does not need any of that, so for performance it does not use strict mode, it replaces the sentinel comment node with the subsequent text nodes. Inserters should be able to safely switch to their preferred mode when receiving context left by the previous inserter in onMountBind.
class MountContext[+El <: Base](val thisNode: El, val owner: Owner)