
object DomApi


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def addEventListener[Ev <: Event](element: Element, listener: EventListener[Ev, _]): Unit




def appendChild(parent: Node, child: Node): Boolean
def assertHtmlElement(node: Node, clue: String): Element
def assertSingleNode(nodes: Array[Node], clue: String): Node
def assertSvgElement(node: Node, clue: String): Element
def assertTagMatches[Ref <: Element](tag: Tag[ReactiveElement[Ref]], node: Node, clue: String): Ref
def createCommentNode(text: String): Comment

Comment Nodes

Comment Nodes


def createHtmlElement[Ref <: Element](tag: HtmlTag[Ref]): Ref

HTML Elements

HTML Elements


def createSvgElement[Ref <: Element](tag: SvgTag[Ref]): Ref

SVG Elements

SVG Elements


def createTextNode(text: String): Text

Text Nodes

Text Nodes


def debugNodeDescription(node: Node): String



e.g. a, div#mainSection, span.sideNote.sizeSmall

def debugNodeInnerHtml(node: Node): String
def debugNodeOuterHtml(node: Node): String
def debugPath(element: Node, initial: List[String]): List[String]



hierarchical path describing the position and identity of this node, starting with the root.

def getAriaAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: AriaAttr[V]): UndefOr[V]

Aria attributes

Aria attributes


def getAriaAttributeRaw(element: Base, attr: AriaAttr[_]): UndefOr[String]
def getChecked(element: Element): UndefOr[Boolean]

Input related stuff

Input related stuff


def getFiles(element: Element): UndefOr[List[File]]
def getHtmlAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: HtmlAttr[V]): UndefOr[V]

HTML Attributes

HTML Attributes


def getHtmlAttributeRaw(element: Base, attr: HtmlAttr[_]): UndefOr[String]
def getHtmlProperty[V, DomV](element: Base, prop: HtmlProp[V, DomV]): UndefOr[V]

Returns js.undefined when the property is missing on the element. If the element type supports this property, it should never be js.undefined.

Returns js.undefined when the property is missing on the element. If the element type supports this property, it should never be js.undefined.


def getHtmlPropertyRaw[V, DomV](element: Base, prop: HtmlProp[V, DomV]): UndefOr[DomV]
def getHtmlStyleRaw(element: Base, styleProp: StyleProp[_]): String

Note: this only gets inline style values – those set via the style attribute, which includes all style props set by Laminar. It does not account for CSS declarations in <style> tags.

Note: this only gets inline style values – those set via the style attribute, which includes all style props set by Laminar. It does not account for CSS declarations in <style> tags.

Returns empty string if the given style property is not defined in this element's inline styles.

See Contrast with


def getSvgAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: SvgAttr[V]): UndefOr[V]

SVG Attributes

SVG Attributes


def getSvgAttributeRaw(element: Base, attr: SvgAttr[_]): UndefOr[String]
def getValue(element: Element): UndefOr[String]
def indexOfChild(parent: Node, child: Node): Int

Tree query functions

Tree query functions


def insertAfter(parent: Node, newChild: Node, referenceChild: Node): Boolean
def insertBefore(parent: Node, newChild: Node, referenceChild: Node): Boolean
def isCustomElement(element: Element): Boolean

Custom Elements

Custom Elements


final def isDescendantOf(node: Node, ancestor: Node): Boolean

Note: This walks up the real DOM element tree, not the Laminar DOM tree. See ChildNode.isDescendantOf if you want to walk up Laminar's tree instead.

Note: This walks up the real DOM element tree, not the Laminar DOM tree. See ChildNode.isDescendantOf if you want to walk up Laminar's tree instead.


def removeAriaAttribute(element: Base, attr: AriaAttr[_]): Unit
def removeChild(parent: Node, child: Node): Boolean
def removeEventListener[Ev <: Event](element: Element, listener: EventListener[Ev, _]): Unit
def removeHtmlAttribute(element: Base, attr: HtmlAttr[_]): Unit
def removeSvgAttribute(element: Base, attr: SvgAttr[_]): Unit
def replaceChild(parent: Node, newChild: Node, oldChild: Node): Boolean
def setAriaAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: AriaAttr[V], value: V): Unit
def setChecked(element: Element, checked: Boolean): Boolean



whether the operation succeeded

def setCommentNodeText(node: CommentNode, text: String): Unit
def setHtmlAnyStyle[V](element: Base, style: StyleProp[V], value: V | String): Unit
def setHtmlAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: HtmlAttr[V], value: V): Unit
def setHtmlProperty[V, DomV](element: Base, prop: HtmlProp[V, DomV], value: V): Unit
def setHtmlStringStyle(element: Base, styleProp: StyleProp[_], value: String): Unit
def setHtmlStyle[V](element: Base, styleProp: StyleProp[V], value: V): Unit
def setSvgAttribute[V](element: Base, attr: SvgAttr[V], value: V): Unit
def setTextNodeText(node: TextNode, text: String): Unit
def setValue(element: Element, value: String): Boolean



whether the operation succeeded

def unsafeParseHtmlString(dangerousHtmlString: String): Element

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

Note: this expects the html string to contain one HTML element, and will throw otherwise (e.g. if given a text node, an SVG, or multiple elements)


def unsafeParseHtmlString[Ref <: Element](tag: HtmlTag[Ref], dangerousHtmlString: String): Ref

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

Note: this expects the html string to contain one element matching the tag name, and will throw otherwise (e.g. if given a text node, an element with a different tag name, or multiple elements)


def unsafeParseHtmlStringIntoNodeArray(dangerousHtmlString: String): Array[Node]

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted HTML strings. HTML strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

Note: This method does not work in Internet Explorer. See for the issues with various approaches. Use this if you need IE support:


def unsafeParseSvgString(dangerousSvgString: String): Element

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

Note: this expects the svg string to contain one HTML element, and will throw otherwise (e.g. if given a text node, HTML, or multiple elements)


def unsafeParseSvgString[Ref <: Element](tag: SvgTag[Ref], dangerousSvgString: String): Ref

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

Note: this expects the svg string to contain one element matching the tag name, and will throw otherwise (e.g. if given a text node, an element with a different tag name, or multiple elements)


def unsafeParseSvgStringIntoNodeArray(dangerousSvgString: String): Array[Node]

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!

#WARNING: Only use on trusted SVG strings. SVG strings can contain embedded Javascript code, which this function will execute blindly!
