
See theRenderableNode companion object
trait RenderableNode[-Component]

RenderableNode[Component] is evidence that you can convert a Component to a Laminar ChildNode.

If you have an implicit val of RenderableNode[Component], Laminar can render your Component-s by converting them to ChildNode-s, and will accept your Component-s in child <--, children <--, etc.

A Component must have a 1-to-1 relationship to a Laminar ChildNode. Your Component class/trait should have something like val node: ChildNode.Base or lazy val node: ChildNode.Base in it, it must not be a var or a def.

See also – RenderableText


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def asNode(value: Component): Base

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


def asNodeIterable(values: Iterable[Component]): Iterable[Base]

For every component in the sequence, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component in the sequence, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


def asNodeOption(value: Option[Component]): Option[Base]

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.


def asNodeSeq(values: Seq[Component]): Seq[Base]

For every component in the sequence, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.

For every component in the sequence, this MUST ALWAYS return the exact same node reference.
