
See theReactiveElement companion trait


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


type Base = ReactiveElement[Element]

Value members

Concrete methods

def bindBus[V](element: Base, eventStream: EventStream[V])(writeBus: WriteBus[V]): DynamicSubscription
def bindCallback[El <: Base](element: El)(activate: MountContext[El] => Unit): DynamicSubscription
def bindFn[V](element: Base, observable: Observable[V])(onNext: V => Unit): DynamicSubscription
def bindObserver[V](element: Base, observable: Observable[V])(observer: Observer[V]): DynamicSubscription
def bindSink[V](element: Base, observable: Observable[V])(sink: Sink[V]): DynamicSubscription
def bindSubscriptionUnsafe[El <: Base](element: El)(subscribe: MountContext[El] => Subscription): DynamicSubscription

#Note: Unsafe because you must make sure that the Subscription created by the subscribe callback is not killed externally. Otherwise, when the DynamicSubscription decides to kill it, the already-killed Subscription will throw an exception.

#Note: Unsafe because you must make sure that the Subscription created by the subscribe callback is not killed externally. Otherwise, when the DynamicSubscription decides to kill it, the already-killed Subscription will throw an exception.


def isActive(element: Base): Boolean
def normalizeTagName(element: Element): String

Transform tag name obtained from the DOM to match the tag name that we would have defined for it in HtmlTags / SvgTags.

Transform tag name obtained from the DOM to match the tag name that we would have defined for it in HtmlTags / SvgTags.

Basically this just means lower-casing HTML tag names, e.g. transforming "DIV" returned from the DOM to "div", taking care to avoid mangling custom element tag names.


def numDynamicSubscriptions(element: Base): Int

You should not need this, we're just exposing this for testing.

You should not need this, we're just exposing this for testing.
