
trait Workspace[T <: Txn[T]] extends Disposable[T]
trait Disposable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type S <: Sys
type Tx = T

Value members

Abstract methods

def addDependent(dep: Disposable[T])(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit

Adds a dependent which is disposed just before the workspace is disposed.

Adds a dependent which is disposed just before the workspace is disposed.

Value parameters:

the dependent. This must be an ephemeral object.

def close(): Unit

Issues a transaction that closes and disposes the workspace.

Issues a transaction that closes and disposes the workspace.

def cursor: Cursor[T]
def dependents(implicit tx: TxnLike): Iterable[Disposable[T]]
def folder: Option[URI]
def name: String
def removeDependent(dep: Disposable[T])(implicit tx: TxnLike): Unit
def root(implicit tx: T): Folder[T]

Concrete methods

def cast[T1 <: Txn[LazyRef(...)]]: Workspace[T1]

Since we obtain Workspace[_] from read methods, this is lesser evil, since we cannot make totally "wrong" casts here.

Since we obtain Workspace[_] from read methods, this is lesser evil, since we cannot make totally "wrong" casts here.

Inherited methods

def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from:



implicit def system: S