
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


sealed trait BinaryOp[T1, ReprT1 <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Expr[~, T1])] extends ExprTuple2Op[Boolean, T1, T1, ReprT1, ReprT1]
sealed trait IntBinaryOp extends BinaryOp[Int, [T <: Txn[T]] =>> IntObj[T]]
case object IntEq extends IntBinaryOp
case object IntGeq extends IntBinaryOp
case object IntGt extends IntBinaryOp
case object IntLeq extends IntBinaryOp
case object IntLt extends IntBinaryOp
case object IntNeq extends IntBinaryOp
final class Ops[T <: Txn[T]](val this: BooleanObj[T]) extends AnyVal
final class Tuple1[T <: Txn[T], T1, ReprT1 <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Expr[~, T1])](val targets: Targets[T], val op: ExprTuple1Op[Boolean, T1, ReprT1], val _1: ReprT1[T]) extends ExprTuple1[T, Boolean, T1, [T <: Txn[T]] =>> BooleanObj[T], ReprT1] with BooleanObj[T]
final class Tuple2[T <: Txn[T], T1, ReprT1 <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Expr[~, T1]), T2, ReprT2 <: ([~ <: Txn[~]] =>> Expr[~, T2])](val targets: Targets[T], val op: ExprTuple2Op[Boolean, T1, T2, ReprT1, ReprT2], val _1: ReprT1[T], val _2: ReprT2[T]) extends ExprTuple2[T, Boolean, T1, T2, [T <: Txn[T]] =>> BooleanObj[T], ReprT1, ReprT2] with BooleanObj[T]

Value members

Concrete methods

def init(): Unit