
trait Headless[T <: Txn[T]] extends Context[T]
trait Context[T]
trait Disposable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def events: IndexedSeq[Event[T, Any]]

Inherited methods

def attr: Attr[T]
Inherited from:
def dispose()(implicit tx: T): Unit
Inherited from:
def getProperty[A](control: Control, key: String)(implicit tx: T): Option[A]
Inherited from:
def initGraph(g: Graph)(implicit tx: T): Unit

Prepares graph expansion by copying control properties over for subsequent look-up through getProperty.

Prepares graph expansion by copying control properties over for subsequent look-up through getProperty.

Inherited from:
def nested[A](it: Expanded[T, _])(body: => A)(implicit tx: T): (A, Disposable[T])

Creates a temporary nested context into which all visit calls are redirected, thus a compound Disposable can be returned.

Creates a temporary nested context into which all visit calls are redirected, thus a compound Disposable can be returned.

Inherited from:
def reactTo[A](event: EventLike[T, A])(fun: T => A => Unit)(implicit tx: T): Disposable[T]

Installs a reaction to an event. Depending on the type of context, this will simply call event.changed.react with the given fun (when the context is for an Act or Control or Widget), or in will register the event as used (when the context is for an ex-obj).

Installs a reaction to an event. Depending on the type of context, this will simply call event.changed.react with the given fun (when the context is for an Act or Control or Widget), or in will register the event as used (when the context is for an ex-obj).

Inherited from:
def selfOption(implicit tx: T): Option[Obj[T]]
Inherited from:
def visit[U <: Disposable[T]](ref: AnyRef, init: => U)(implicit tx: T): U
Inherited from:


Inherited implicits

implicit def cursor: Cursor[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def targets: ITargets[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def undoManager: UndoManager[T]
Inherited from:
implicit def workspace: Workspace[T]
Inherited from: