
final case class WriteBuf(trig: GE, key: String, buf: GE, numFrames: GE, startFrame: GE, fileType: GE, sampleFormat: GE) extends Lazy with ControlRated

A graph element that when triggered writes the contents of a buffer to an audio file. The writing happens asynchronously, and the element outputs a trigger itself when the writing has completed.

A graph element that when triggered writes the contents of a buffer to an audio file. The writing happens asynchronously, and the element outputs a trigger itself when the writing has completed.

'''Note''': currently, the behaviour is undefined if another trigger is received before a previous writing process finishes. The caller should also avoid stopping the enclosing Proc before the writing process finishes (there is no guarantee that the buffer contents is preserved).

An alternative is BufferOut which is slightly less flexible. It writes the buffer contents when the process finishes, and invokes a done-action.

Value Params

the identifier of the buffer to write


-1 automatic (default; determined from artifact found), 0 AIFF, 1 Wave, 2 Wave64, 3 IRCAM, 4 NeXT, 5 Raw


the key into the enclosing object's attribute map, where the output Artifact is to be defined


the number of frames to write or -1 (default) to write as many frames as possible


0 16-bit integer, 1 24-bit integer, 2 32-bit floating point (default), 3 32-bit integer, 4 8-bit integer


the offset into the buffer to start writing from, which defaults to zero.


a trigger signal that initiate the write process.

See also
trait Serializable
trait ControlRated
trait Lazy
trait GE
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

override def productPrefix: String
Definition Classes

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from
final def rate: Rate
Inherited from