
final case class VDiskIn(rate: Rate, key: String, speed: GE, loop: GE, interp: Int, maxSpeed: Double) extends Stream with IsIndividual

A SoundProcesses aware variant of VDiskIn. It takes its streaming buffer input from an attribute with the given key. Default values provide automatic sample-rate-conversion to match the audio server.

A SoundProcesses aware variant of VDiskIn. It takes its streaming buffer input from an attribute with the given key. Default values provide automatic sample-rate-conversion to match the audio server.

Value Params

same as in ugen.VDiskIn. Additionally, a value of -1 indicates that interpolation should be chosen according to speed. This is useful in conjunction with negative speed values where interpolation might depend on actual SRC.


key into the containing object's attribute map, where an AudioCue is to be found.


maximum expected speed, which will be used in consideration of the buffer size needed. if zero (default), and speed is a constant, this will be aligned with speed.


speed factor as in ugen.VDiskIn. If a negative constant value is given, the actual factor is BufRateScale.kr * -speed, thus -1 indicates playback at correct sample rate.

trait Serializable
trait IsIndividual
trait Stream
trait Lazy
trait GE
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def done: GE

A trigger signal for when the UGen has gone through the entire file. This requires that interpolation is '''not 2''' (linear) which is currently not supported to produce done information.

A trigger signal for when the UGen has gone through the entire file. This requires that interpolation is '''not 2''' (linear) which is currently not supported to produce done information.

Note that this is only signalled if the UGen is not looping.

Inherited methods

def makeUGens: UGenInLike
Inherited from
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from