
final case class DiskOut(rate: Rate, key: String, in: GE) extends Lazy with WritesBuffer

A graph element that creates a DiskOut writing to a file designated by an object attribute with a given key and the value being an Artifact.

A graph element that creates a DiskOut writing to a file designated by an object attribute with a given key and the value being an Artifact.

The file-type is determined by this artifact. For example, if the artifact's path ends in ".aif", the AIFF format will used, if the path ends in ".w64", then Wave64 will be used. The default is AIFF. The sample format is currently always Float-32.

Value Params

the signal to write


the key into the enclosing object's attribute map, pointing to an Artifact

trait Serializable
trait WritesBuffer
trait IsIndividual
trait HasSideEffect
trait Lazy
trait GE
trait Expander[UGenInLike]
trait Lazy
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from