
See theBody companion trait
object Body


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def from[A](a: A)(implicit codec: BinaryCodec[A], trace: Trace): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a value based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.
Example for json:

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a value based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.
Example for json:

import zio.schema.codec.JsonCodec._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
val person = Person("John", 42)
val body = Body.from(person)


def fromArray(data: Array[Byte]): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from an array of bytes.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from an array of bytes.

WARNING: The array must not be mutated after creating the body.


def fromCharSequence(charSequence: CharSequence, charset: Charset): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from the contents of a file.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from the contents of a file.


def fromCharSequenceStream(stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, CharSequence], contentLength: Long, charset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of text with known length, using the specified character set, which defaults to the HTTP character set.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of text with known length, using the specified character set, which defaults to the HTTP character set.


def fromCharSequenceStreamChunked(stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, CharSequence], charset: Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of text with unknown length using chunked transfer encoding, using the specified character set, which defaults to the HTTP character set.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of text with unknown length using chunked transfer encoding, using the specified character set, which defaults to the HTTP character set.


def fromChunk(data: Chunk[Byte]): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a chunk of bytes.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a chunk of bytes.


def fromChunk(data: Chunk[Byte], mediaType: MediaType): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a chunk of bytes and sets the media type.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a chunk of bytes and sets the media type.


def fromFile(file: File, chunkSize: Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Nothing, Body]

Constructs a zio.http.Body from the contents of a file.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from the contents of a file.


def fromMultipartForm(form: Form, specificBoundary: Boundary)(implicit trace: Trace): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from from form data, using multipart encoding and the specified character set, which defaults to UTF-8.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from from form data, using multipart encoding and the specified character set, which defaults to UTF-8.


def fromMultipartFormUUID(form: Form)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Body]

Constructs a zio.http.Body from from form data, using multipart encoding and the specified character set, which defaults to UTF-8. Utilizes a random boundary based on a UUID.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from from form data, using multipart encoding and the specified character set, which defaults to UTF-8. Utilizes a random boundary based on a UUID.


def fromSocketApp(app: WebSocketApp[Any]): WebsocketBody
def fromStream(stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, Byte], contentLength: Long): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of bytes with a known length.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of bytes with a known length.


def fromStream[A](stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, A])(implicit codec: BinaryCodec[A], trace: Trace): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from stream of values based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from stream of values based on a zio-schema zio.schema.codec.BinaryCodec.

Example for json:

import zio.schema.codec.JsonCodec._
case class Person(name: String, age: Int)
implicit val schema: Schema[Person] = DeriveSchema.gen[Person]
val persons = ZStream(Person("John", 42))
val body = Body.fromStream(persons)


def fromStreamChunked(stream: ZStream[Any, Throwable, Byte]): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of bytes of unknown length, using chunked transfer encoding.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from a stream of bytes of unknown length, using chunked transfer encoding.


def fromString(text: String, charset: Charset): Body

Helper to create Body from String

Helper to create Body from String


def fromURLEncodedForm(form: Form, charset: Charset): Body

Constructs a zio.http.Body from form data using URL encoding and the default character set.

Constructs a zio.http.Body from form data using URL encoding and the default character set.


Concrete fields

val empty: Body

A body that contains no data.

A body that contains no data.
