
trait Channel[-In, +Out]

A Channel is an asynchronous communication channel that supports receiving messages of type In and sending messages of type Out.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
Channel[In, Out]

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def awaitShutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Await shutdown of the channel.

Await shutdown of the channel.


def receive(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Out]

Read a message from the channel, suspending until the next message is available.

Read a message from the channel, suspending until the next message is available.


def receiveAll[Env, Err](f: Out => ZIO[Env, Err, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Env, Err, Unit]

Reads all messages from the channel, handling them with the specified function.

Reads all messages from the channel, handling them with the specified function.


def send(in: In)(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Unit]

Send a message to the channel.

Send a message to the channel.


def sendAll(in: Iterable[In])(implicit trace: Trace): Task[Unit]

Send all messages to the channel.

Send all messages to the channel.


def shutdown(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

Shut down the channel.

Shut down the channel.


Concrete methods

final def contramap[In2](f: In2 => In): Channel[In2, Out]

Constructs a new channel that automatically transforms messages sent to this channel using the specified function.

Constructs a new channel that automatically transforms messages sent to this channel using the specified function.


final def map[Out2](f: Out => Out2)(implicit trace: Trace): Channel[In, Out2]

Constructs a new channel that automatically transforms messages received from this channel using the specified function.

Constructs a new channel that automatically transforms messages received from this channel using the specified function.
