
See theZClientAspect companion object
trait ZClientAspect[+LowerEnv, -UpperEnv, +LowerIn, -UpperIn, +LowerErr, -UpperErr, +LowerOut, -UpperOut]

A ZClientAspect is capable on modifying some aspect of the execution of a client, such as metrics, tracing, encoding, decoding, or logging.


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
ZClientAspect[LowerEnv, UpperEnv, LowerIn, UpperIn, LowerErr, UpperErr, LowerOut, UpperOut]

Members list

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply[Env >: LowerEnv <: UpperEnv, In >: LowerIn <: UpperIn, Err >: LowerErr <: UpperErr, Out >: LowerOut <: UpperOut](client: ZClient[Env, In, Err, Out]): ZClient[Env, In, Err, Out]

Applies this aspect to modify the execution of the specified client.

Applies this aspect to modify the execution of the specified client.


Concrete methods

final def >>>[LowerEnv1 >: LowerEnv, UpperEnv1 <: UpperEnv, LowerIn1 >: LowerIn, UpperIn1 <: UpperIn, LowerErr1 >: LowerErr, UpperErr1 <: UpperErr, LowerOut1 >: LowerOut, UpperOut1 <: UpperOut](that: ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]): ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.


final def @@[LowerEnv1 >: LowerEnv, UpperEnv1 <: UpperEnv, LowerIn1 >: LowerIn, UpperIn1 <: UpperIn, LowerErr1 >: LowerErr, UpperErr1 <: UpperErr, LowerOut1 >: LowerOut, UpperOut1 <: UpperOut](that: ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]): ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.


final def andThen[LowerEnv1 >: LowerEnv, UpperEnv1 <: UpperEnv, LowerIn1 >: LowerIn, UpperIn1 <: UpperIn, LowerErr1 >: LowerErr, UpperErr1 <: UpperErr, LowerOut1 >: LowerOut, UpperOut1 <: UpperOut](that: ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]): ZClientAspect[LowerEnv1, UpperEnv1, LowerIn1, UpperIn1, LowerErr1, UpperErr1, LowerOut1, UpperOut1]

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.

Composes this client aspect with the specified client aspect to return a new client aspect that applies the modifications of this client aspect and then the modifications of that client aspect.
