
object ZPipeline extends ZPipelinePlatformSpecificConstructors
trait ZPipelinePlatformSpecificConstructors
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[In](implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

A shorter version of ZPipeline.identity, which can facilitate more compact definition of pipelines.

A shorter version of ZPipeline.identity, which can facilitate more compact definition of pipelines.

ZPipeline[Int] >>> ZPipeline.filter(_ % 2 != 0)
def branchAfter[Env, Err, In, Out](n: => Int)(f: Chunk[In] => ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]
def collect[In, Out](f: PartialFunction[In, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that collects elements with the specified partial function.

Creates a pipeline that collects elements with the specified partial function.

ZPipeline.collect[Option[Int], Int] { case Some(v) => v }
def decodeCharsWith(charset: => Charset, bufSize: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, Char]
def decodeStringWith(charset: => Charset)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def drop[In](n: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that drops n elements.

Creates a pipeline that drops n elements.

def dropUntil[In](f: In => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that drops elements until the specified predicate evaluates to true.

Creates a pipeline that drops elements until the specified predicate evaluates to true.

ZPipeline.dropUntil[Int](_ > 100)
def dropWhile[In](f: In => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that drops elements while the specified predicate evaluates to true.

Creates a pipeline that drops elements while the specified predicate evaluates to true.

ZPipeline.dropWhile[Int](_ <= 100)
def encodeCharsWith(charset: => Charset, bufferSize: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Char, Byte]
def encodeStringWith(charset: => Charset, bom: => Chunk[Byte])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def filter[In](f: In => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that filters elements according to the specified predicate.

Creates a pipeline that filters elements according to the specified predicate.

def fromChannel[Env, Err, In, Out](channel: => ZChannel[Env, Nothing, Chunk[In], Any, Err, Chunk[Out], Any]): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that sends all the elements through the given channel.

Creates a pipeline that sends all the elements through the given channel.

def fromPush[Env, Err, In, Out](push: => ZIO[Scope & Env, Nothing, Option[Chunk[In]] => ZIO[Env, Err, Chunk[Out]]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline from a chunk processing function.

Creates a pipeline from a chunk processing function.

def fromSink[Env, Err, In, Out](sink: => ZSink[Env, Err, In, In, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that repeatedly sends all elements through the given sink.

Creates a pipeline that repeatedly sends all elements through the given sink.

def groupAdjacentBy[In, Key](f: In => Key)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, (Key, NonEmptyChunk[In])]

Creates a pipeline that groups on adjacent keys, calculated by function f.

Creates a pipeline that groups on adjacent keys, calculated by function f.

def identity[In](implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

The identity pipeline, which does not modify streams in any way.

The identity pipeline, which does not modify streams in any way.

def iso_8859_1Decode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def iso_8859_1Encode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def map[In, Out](f: In => Out)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that maps elements with the specified function.

Creates a pipeline that maps elements with the specified function.

def mapAccum[In, State, Out](s: => State)(f: (State, In) => (State, Out))(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that statefully maps elements with the specified function.

Creates a pipeline that statefully maps elements with the specified function.

def mapAccumZIO[Env, Err, In, State, Out](s: => State)(f: (State, In) => ZIO[Env, Err, (State, Out)])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that statefully maps elements with the specified effect.

Creates a pipeline that statefully maps elements with the specified effect.

def mapChunks[In, Out](f: Chunk[In] => Chunk[Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that maps chunks of elements with the specified function.

Creates a pipeline that maps chunks of elements with the specified function.

def mapChunksZIO[Env, Err, In, Out](f: Chunk[In] => ZIO[Env, Err, Chunk[Out]])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that maps chunks of elements with the specified effect.

Creates a pipeline that maps chunks of elements with the specified effect.

def mapZIO[Env, Err, In, Out](f: In => ZIO[Env, Err, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that maps elements with the specified effectful function.

Creates a pipeline that maps elements with the specified effectful function.

def prepend[In](values: => Chunk[In])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Emits the provided chunk before emitting any other value.

Emits the provided chunk before emitting any other value.

def rechunk[In](n: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

A pipeline that rechunks the stream into chunks of the specified size.

A pipeline that rechunks the stream into chunks of the specified size.

def scan[In, Out](s: => Out)(f: (Out, In) => Out)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that scans elements with the specified function.

Creates a pipeline that scans elements with the specified function.

def scanZIO[Env, Err, In, Out](s: => Out)(f: (Out, In) => ZIO[Env, Err, Out])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Creates a pipeline that scans elements with the specified function.

Creates a pipeline that scans elements with the specified function.

def splitLines(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, String, String]

Splits strings on newlines. Handles both Windows newlines (\r\n) and UNIX newlines (\n).

Splits strings on newlines. Handles both Windows newlines (\r\n) and UNIX newlines (\n).

def splitOn(delimiter: => String)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, String, String]

Splits strings on a delimiter.

Splits strings on a delimiter.

def splitOnChunk[In](delimiter: => Chunk[In])(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Splits strings on a delimiter.

Splits strings on a delimiter.

def suspend[Env, Err, In, Out](pipeline: => ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]): ZPipeline[Env, Err, In, Out]

Lazily constructs a pipeline.

Lazily constructs a pipeline.

def take[In](n: => Long)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that takes n elements.

Creates a pipeline that takes n elements.

def takeUntil[In](f: In => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that takes elements until the specified predicate evaluates to true.

Creates a pipeline that takes elements until the specified predicate evaluates to true.

def takeWhile[In](f: In => Boolean)(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, Nothing, In, In]

Creates a pipeline that takes elements while the specified predicate evaluates to true.

Creates a pipeline that takes elements while the specified predicate evaluates to true.

def usASCIIDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def usASCIIEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16BEDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf16BEEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16BEWithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16Decode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf16Encode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16LEDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf16LEEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16LEWithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf16WithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32BEDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf32BEEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32BEWithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32Decode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf32Encode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32LEDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf32LEEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32LEWithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf32WithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utf8Decode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]
def utf8Encode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]

utf*Encode pipelines adhere to the same behavior of Java's String#getBytes(charset)`, that is:

utf*Encode pipelines adhere to the same behavior of Java's String#getBytes(charset)`, that is:

  • utf8: No BOM
  • utf16: Has BOM (the outlier)
  • utf16BE & utf16LE: No BOM
  • All utf32 variants: No BOM

If BOM is required, users can use the *WithBomEncode variants. (As alluded above, utf16Encode always prepends BOM, just like getBytes("UTF-16") in Java. In fact, it is an alias to both utf16BEWithBomEncode and utf16WithBomEncode.

def utf8WithBomEncode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, String, Byte]
def utfDecode(implicit trace: Trace): ZPipeline[Any, CharacterCodingException, Byte, String]

utfDecode determines the right encoder to use based on the Byte Order Mark (BOM). If it doesn't detect one, it defaults to utf8Decode. In the case of utf16 and utf32 without BOM, utf16Decode and utf32Decode should be used instead as both default to their own default decoder respectively.

utfDecode determines the right encoder to use based on the Byte Order Mark (BOM). If it doesn't detect one, it defaults to utf8Decode. In the case of utf16 and utf32 without BOM, utf16Decode and utf32Decode should be used instead as both default to their own default decoder respectively.