

Type members

Inherited types

type WithOut[In, Out0] = ZStreamConstructor[In] { type Out = Out0; }

The type of the ZStreamConstructor with the type of the ZStream value.

The type of the ZStreamConstructor with the type of the ZStream value.

Inherited from:



implicit def ChunkHubConstructor[A]: WithOut[Hub[Chunk[A]], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Hub[Chunk[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Hub[Chunk[A]].

implicit def ChunkQueueConstructor[A]: WithOut[Queue[Chunk[A]], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Queue[Chunk[A]]`.

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Queue[Chunk[A]]`.

implicit def ChunksConstructor[A, Collection <: (Iterable)]: WithOut[Collection[Chunk[A]], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from an Iterable[Chunk[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from an Iterable[Chunk[A]].

implicit def IterableZIOConstructor[R, E, A, Collection <: (Iterable)]: WithOut[ZIO[R, E, Collection[A]], ZStream[R, E, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, Iterable[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, Iterable[A]].

implicit def IteratorConstructor[A, IteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[IteratorLike[A], ZStream[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Throwable, A] from an Iterator[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Throwable, A] from an Iterator[A].

implicit def IteratorScopedConstructor[R, E <: Throwable, A, IteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[ZIO[Scope & R, E, IteratorLike[A]], ZStream[R, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R with Scope, Throwable, Iterator[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R with Scope, Throwable, Iterator[A]].

implicit def IteratorZIOConstructor[R, E <: Throwable, A, IteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[ZIO[R, E, IteratorLike[A]], ZStream[R, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R, Throwable, Iterator[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R, Throwable, Iterator[A]].

implicit def JavaIteratorConstructor[A, JaveIteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[JaveIteratorLike[A], ZStream[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Throwable, A] from a java.util.Iterator[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Throwable, A] from a java.util.Iterator[A].

implicit def JavaIteratorScopedConstructor[R, E <: Throwable, A, JaveIteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[ZIO[Scope & R, E, JaveIteratorLike[A]], ZStream[R, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R with Scope, Throwable, java.util.Iterator[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R with Scope, Throwable, java.util.Iterator[A]].

implicit def JavaIteratorZIOConstructor[R, E <: Throwable, A, JaveIteratorLike <: (Iterator)]: WithOut[ZIO[R, E, JaveIteratorLike[A]], ZStream[R, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R, Throwable, java.util.Iterator[A]].

Constructs a ZStream[R, Throwable, A] from a ZIO[R, Throwable, java.util.Iterator[A]].

implicit def ScheduleConstructor[R, A]: WithOut[Schedule[R, Any, A], ZStream[R, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[R, Nothing, A] from a Schedule[R, Any, A].

Constructs a ZStream[R, Nothing, A] from a Schedule[R, Any, A].

implicit def TQueueConstructor[A]: WithOut[TQueue[A], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a TQueue[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a TQueue[A].

Inherited implicits

implicit def ChunkConstructor[A]: WithOut[Chunk[A], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Chunk[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Chunk[A].

Inherited from:
implicit def HubConstructor[A]: WithOut[Hub[A], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Hub[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Hub[A].

Inherited from:
implicit def IterableConstructor[A, Collection <: (Iterable)]: WithOut[Collection[A], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Iterable[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Iterable[A].

Inherited from:
implicit def QueueConstructor[A]: WithOut[Queue[A], ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Queue[A].

Constructs a ZStream[Any, Nothing, A] from a Queue[A].

Inherited from:
implicit def SucceedConstructor[A]: WithOut[A, ZStream[Any, Nothing, A]]

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Inherited from:
implicit def ZIOConstructor[R, E, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R, E, A], ZStream[R, E, A]]

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Inherited from:
implicit def ZIOOptionConstructor[R, E, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R, Option[E], A], ZStream[R, E, A]]

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Inherited from:
implicit def ZIOOptionNoneConstructor[R, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R, None.type, A], ZStream[R, Nothing, A]]

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Inherited from:
implicit def ZIOOptionSomeConstructor[R, E, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R, Some[E], A], ZStream[R, E, A]]

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Construct a ZStream[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, Option[E], A].

Inherited from: