
sealed trait GroupBy[-R, +E, +K, +V]

Representation of a grouped stream. This allows to filter which groups will be processed. Once this is applied all groups will be processed in parallel and the results will be merged in arbitrary order.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
GroupBy[R, E, K, V]

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def grouped(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R, E, (K, Dequeue[Take[E, V]])]

Concrete methods

final def apply[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, A](f: (K, ZStream[Any, E, V]) => ZStream[R1, E1, A], buffer: => Int)(implicit trace: Trace): ZStream[R1, E1, A]

Run the function across all groups, collecting the results in an arbitrary order.

Run the function across all groups, collecting the results in an arbitrary order.

final def filter(f: K => Boolean): GroupBy[R, E, K, V]

Filter the groups to be processed.

Filter the groups to be processed.

final def first(n: => Int): GroupBy[R, E, K, V]

Only consider the first n groups found in the stream.

Only consider the first n groups found in the stream.