



package TopWiring

Type Members

  1. case class TopWiringAnnotation(target: ComponentName, prefix: String) extends SingleTargetAnnotation[ComponentName] with Product with Serializable

    Annotation for indicating component to be wired, and what prefix to add to the ports that are generated

  2. case class TopWiringOutputFilesAnnotation(dirName: String, outputFunction: (String, Seq[((ComponentName, Type, Boolean, Seq[String], String), Int)], CircuitState) ⇒ CircuitState) extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable

    Annotation for optional output files, and what directory to put those files in (absolute path) *

  3. class TopWiringTransform extends Transform

    Punch out annotated ports out to the toplevel of the circuit.

    Punch out annotated ports out to the toplevel of the circuit. This also has an option to pass a function as a parmeter to generate custom output files as a result of the additional ports


    This *does* work for deduped modules
