
class SeriesExpandingStats[X, T](s: Series[X, T])(implicit evidence$1: ScalarTag[X], evidence$2: Order[X], evidence$3: () => T, evidence$4: ScalarTag[T])

Expanding statistical methods made available on numeric Series objects via enrichment. These methods scan over the Series and compute values over a specified historical window.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def cumCount: Series[X, Int]

Cumulative count; each successive element of the output is the cumulative count from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

Cumulative count; each successive element of the output is the cumulative count from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

def cumMax: Series[X, T]

Cumulative max; each successive element of the output is the cumulative max from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

Cumulative max; each successive element of the output is the cumulative max from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

def cumMin: Series[X, T]

Cumulative min; each successive element of the output is the cumulative min from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

Cumulative min; each successive element of the output is the cumulative min from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

def cumProd: Series[X, T]

Cumulative product; each successive element of the output is the cumulative product from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

Cumulative product; each successive element of the output is the cumulative product from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

def cumSum: Series[X, T]

Cumulative sum; each successive element of the output is the cumulative sum from the initial element, ignoring NAs.

Cumulative sum; each successive element of the output is the cumulative sum from the initial element, ignoring NAs.