
class SeriesRollingStats[X, T](s: Series[X, T])(implicit evidence$1: ScalarTag[X], evidence$2: Order[X], evidence$3: () => T, evidence$4: ScalarTag[T])

Rolling statistical methods made available on numeric Series objects via enrichment. These methods scan over the Series and compute cumulative values.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def rollingCount(winSz: Int): Series[X, Int]

Rolling count; compute count of number of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Rolling count; compute count of number of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Value parameters:

Size of the sliding window

def rollingMean(winSz: Int): Series[X, Double]

Rolling mean; compute mean of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Rolling mean; compute mean of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Value parameters:

Size of the sliding window

def rollingMedian(winSz: Int): Series[X, Double]

Rolling median; compute mean of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Rolling median; compute mean of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Value parameters:

Size of the sliding window

def rollingSum(winSz: Int): Series[X, T]

Rolling sum; compute sum of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Rolling sum; compute sum of elements in Series over a sliding window, ignoring any NA values.

Value parameters:

Size of the sliding window