
Exposes APIs to access and modify Kamon's configuration and to get notified of reconfigure events.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object Kamon.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def config(): Config

Retrieve Kamon's current configuration.

Retrieve Kamon's current configuration.

Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

def onReconfigure(hook: Config => Unit): Unit

Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

Register a reconfigure hook that will be run when the a call to Kamon.reconfigure(config) is performed. All registered hooks will run sequentially in the same Thread that calls Kamon.reconfigure(config).

def reconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit

Supply a new Config instance to rule Kamon's world.

Supply a new Config instance to rule Kamon's world.