
object Lookups
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def any(key: String): Lookup[Any]

Finds a value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present then a null is returned.

Finds a value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present then a null is returned.

def booleanOption(key: String): Lookup[Option[Boolean]]

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[Boolean]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then a None is returned.

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[Boolean]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then a None is returned.

def booleanOptional(key: String): Lookup[Optional[Boolean]]

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[Boolean]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then Optional.empty() is returned.

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[Boolean]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then Optional.empty() is returned.

def coerce(key: String): Lookup[String]

Finds the value associated to the provided key and coerces it to a String representation. If the key is not present then "unknown" (as a String) will be returned. If the value associated with the key is not a String then the value of the key will be transformed into a String and returned.

Finds the value associated to the provided key and coerces it to a String representation. If the key is not present then "unknown" (as a String) will be returned. If the value associated with the key is not a String then the value of the key will be transformed into a String and returned.

This lookup type is guaranteed to return a non-null String representation of value.

def coerce(key: String, default: String): Lookup[String]

Finds the value associated to the provided key and coerces it to a String representation. If the key is not present then the provided default will be returned. If the value associated with the key is not a String then the value of the key will be transformed into a String and returned.

Finds the value associated to the provided key and coerces it to a String representation. If the key is not present then the provided default will be returned. If the value associated with the key is not a String then the value of the key will be transformed into a String and returned.

This lookup type is guaranteed to return a non-null String representation of value.

def longOption(key: String): Lookup[Option[Long]]

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[Long]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then a None is returned.

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[Long]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then a None is returned.

def longOptional(key: String): Lookup[Optional[Long]]

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[Long]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then Optional.empty() is returned.

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[Long]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then Optional.empty() is returned.

def option(key: String): Lookup[Option[String]]

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[String]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then a None is returned.

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Option[String]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then a None is returned.

def optional(key: String): Lookup[Optional[String]]

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[String]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then Optional.empty() is returned.

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it, wrapped in an Optional[String]. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then Optional.empty() is returned.

def plain(key: String): Lookup[String]

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then a null is returned.

Finds a String value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a String then a null is returned.

def plainBoolean(key: String): Lookup[Boolean]

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then a null is returned.

Finds a Boolean value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Boolean then a null is returned.

def plainLong(key: String): Lookup[Long]

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then a null is returned.

Finds a Long value associated to the provided key and returns it. If the key is not present or the value associated with they is not a Long then a null is returned.