
trait Module

Modules provide additional capabilities to Kamon, like collecting JVM metrics or exporting the metrics and trace data to external services. Additionally, modules can be automatically registered in Kamon by simply being present in the classpath and having the appropriate entry in the configuration file. All modules get a dedicated execution context which will be used to call the stop and reconfigure hooks, as well as any data processing callbacks.

Besides the basic lifecycle hooks, when registering a MetricReporter and/or SpanReporter module, Kamon will also schedule calls to MetricReporter.reportPeriodSnapshot and SpanReporter.reportSpans in the module's execution context.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def reconfigure(newConfig: Config): Unit

Signals that a new configuration object has been provided to Kamon. Modules should ensure that their internal settings are in sync with the provided configuration.

Signals that a new configuration object has been provided to Kamon. Modules should ensure that their internal settings are in sync with the provided configuration.

def stop(): Unit

Signals that the module should be stopped and all acquired resources, if any, should be released.

Signals that the module should be stopped and all acquired resources, if any, should be released.