
Context propagation that uses HTTP headers as the transport medium. HTTP propagation mechanisms read any number of HTTP headers from incoming HTTP requests to decode a Context instance and write any number of HTTP headers on outgoing requests to transfer a context to remote services.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


Default HTTP Propagation in Kamon.

Default HTTP Propagation in Kamon.

Wrapper that reads HTTP headers from a HTTP message.

Wrapper that reads HTTP headers from a HTTP message.

Wrapper that writes HTTP headers to a HTTP message.

Wrapper that writes HTTP headers to a HTTP message.

case class Settings(tagsHeaderName: String, includeUpstreamName: Boolean, tagsFilter: Seq[Glob], tagsMappings: Map[String, String], incomingEntries: Map[String, EntryReader[HeaderReader]], outgoingEntries: Map[String, EntryWriter[HeaderWriter]])
object Settings

Value members

Concrete methods

def from(propagationConfig: Config, identifierScheme: String): Propagation[HeaderReader, HeaderWriter]

Create a new HTTP propagation instance from the provided configuration.

Create a new HTTP propagation instance from the provided configuration.