
Exposes APIs for creating metrics, using a MetricRegistry as the underlying source of those metrics. Not all possible combinations of parameters to build metrics are exposed through this interface, but it is expected to cover all the common cases.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Metrics
object Kamon.type

Value members

Abstract methods

protected def registry: MetricRegistry

Registry from which metrics are retrieved.

Registry from which metrics are retrieved.

Concrete methods

def counter(name: String): Counter

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

def counter(name: String, description: String): Counter

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric

def counter(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Counter

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

def counter(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Counter

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided unit

def counter(name: String, description: String, settings: ForValueInstrument): Counter

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided settings

Creates or retrieves a Counter-backed metric with the provided settings

def gauge(name: String): Gauge

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

def gauge(name: String, description: String): Gauge

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric

def gauge(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Gauge

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

def gauge(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Gauge

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided unit

def gauge(name: String, description: String, settings: ForValueInstrument): Gauge

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided settings

Creates or retrieves a Gauge-backed metric with the provided settings

def histogram(name: String): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

def histogram(name: String, description: String): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric

def histogram(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

def histogram(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit

def histogram(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

def histogram(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

def histogram(name: String, description: String, settings: ForDistributionInstrument): Histogram

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided settings

Creates or retrieves a Histogram-backed metric with the provided settings

def rangeSampler(name: String): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric

def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, autoUpdateInterval: Duration): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit

def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, autoUpdateInterval: Duration): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and auto-update interval

def rangeSampler(name: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, unit: MeasurementUnit, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

def rangeSampler(name: String, description: String, settings: ForDistributionInstrument): RangeSampler

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided settings

Creates or retrieves a RangeSampler-backed metric with the provided settings

def timer(name: String): Timer

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

def timer(name: String, description: String): Timer

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric

def timer(name: String, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Timer

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

def timer(name: String, description: String, dynamicRange: DynamicRange): Timer

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range

Creates or retrieves a Timer-backed metric with the provided unit and dynamic range