
abstract class InstrumentGroup(val commonTags: TagSet)

Utility class for handling groups of instruments that should be created and removed together. This becomes specially handy when using several instruments to track different aspects of the same component. For example, when tracking metrics on a thread pool you will want to request several instruments to track different aspects: the pool size, the number of submitted tasks, the queue size and so on, and all of those instruments should share common tags that are specific to the instrumented thread pool; additionally, once said thread pool is shutdown, all of those instruments should be removed together. This class makes it simpler to keep track of all of those related instruments and remove them together when necessary.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def register[Inst <: Instrument[LazyRef(...), Sett], Sett <: Settings](metric: Metric[Inst, Sett]): Inst

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags.

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags.

def register[Inst <: Instrument[LazyRef(...), Sett], Sett <: Settings](metric: Metric[Inst, Sett], key: String, value: String): Inst

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

def register[Inst <: Instrument[LazyRef(...), Sett], Sett <: Settings](metric: Metric[Inst, Sett], key: String, value: Long): Inst

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

def register[Inst <: Instrument[LazyRef(...), Sett], Sett <: Settings](metric: Metric[Inst, Sett], key: String, value: Boolean): Inst

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided key/value pair.

def register[Inst <: Instrument[LazyRef(...), Sett], Sett <: Settings](metric: Metric[Inst, Sett], extraTags: TagSet): Inst

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided tags.

Registers and returns an instrument of the provided metric with the common tags and the additionally provided tags.

def remove(): Unit

Removes all instruments that were registered by this group.

Removes all instruments that were registered by this group.

Concrete fields