Class DefaultCamelContext

  extended by
      extended by org.apache.camel.impl.DefaultCamelContext
All Implemented Interfaces:
CamelContext, ModelCamelContext, RuntimeConfiguration, Service, ShutdownableService, StatefulService, SuspendableService

public class DefaultCamelContext
extends ServiceSupport
implements ModelCamelContext, SuspendableService

Represents the context used to configure routes and the policies to use.


Field Summary
Fields inherited from class
shutdown, shuttingdown, started, starting, stopped, stopping, suspended, suspending
Constructor Summary
          Creates the CamelContext using JndiRegistry as registry, but will silently fallback and use SimpleRegistry if JNDI cannot be used.
DefaultCamelContext(Context jndiContext)
          Creates the CamelContext using the given JNDI context as the registry
DefaultCamelContext(Registry registry)
          Creates the CamelContext using the given registry
Method Summary
 void addComponent(String componentName, Component component)
          Adds a component to the context.
 Endpoint addEndpoint(String uri, Endpoint endpoint)
          Adds the endpoint to the context using the given URI.
protected  Endpoint addEndpointToRegistry(String uri, Endpoint endpoint)
          Strategy to add the given endpoint to the internal endpoint registry
 void addInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
          Adds the given interceptor strategy
 void addLifecycleStrategy(LifecycleStrategy lifecycleStrategy)
          Adds the given lifecycle strategy to be used.
 void addRegisterEndpointCallback(EndpointStrategy strategy)
          Registers a callback to allow you to do custom logic when an Endpoint is about to be registered to the CamelContext endpoint registry.
 void addRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
          Add a route definition to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id.

 void addRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
          Adds a collection of route definitions to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id.

 void addRoutes(RoutesBuilder builder)
          Adds a collection of routes to this context using the given builder to build them.
 void addService(Object object)
          Adds a service to this context, which allows this context to control the lifecycle, ensuring the service is stopped when the context stops.
 void addStartupListener(StartupListener listener)
          Adds the given listener to be invoked when CamelContext have just been started.
protected  Endpoint convertBeanToEndpoint(String uri, Object bean)
          Strategy method for attempting to convert the bean from a Registry to an endpoint using some kind of transformation or wrapper
protected  ComponentResolver createComponentResolver()
          Lazily create a default implementation
 ConsumerTemplate createConsumerTemplate()
          Creates a new ConsumerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.
 ConsumerTemplate createConsumerTemplate(int maximumCacheSize)
          Creates a new ConsumerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.
protected  Endpoint createEndpoint(String uri)
          A pluggable strategy to allow an endpoint to be created without requiring a component to be its factory, such as for looking up the URI inside some Registry
protected  Injector createInjector()
          Lazily create a default implementation
protected  ManagementMBeanAssembler createManagementMBeanAssembler()
          Lazily create a default implementation
protected  ManagementStrategy createManagementStrategy()
 ProducerTemplate createProducerTemplate()
          Creates a new ProducerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.
 ProducerTemplate createProducerTemplate(int maximumCacheSize)
          Creates a new ProducerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.
protected  Registry createRegistry()
          Lazily create a default implementation
 String createRouteStaticEndpointJson(String routeId)
          Creates a JSON representation of all the static and dynamic configured endpoints defined in the given route(s).
 String createRouteStaticEndpointJson(String routeId, boolean includeDynamic)
          Creates a JSON representation of all the static (and possible dynamic) configured endpoints defined in the given route(s).
protected  TypeConverter createTypeConverter()
          Lazily create a default implementation
 void disableJMX()
          Disables using JMX as ManagementStrategy.
protected  void doResume()
          Implementations override this method to support customized suspend/resume.
protected  void doStart()
          Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.
protected  void doStartOrResumeRoutes(Map<String,RouteService> routeServices, boolean checkClash, boolean startConsumer, boolean resumeConsumer, boolean addingRoutes)
          Starts or resumes the routes
protected  void doStop()
          Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.
protected  void doSuspend()
          Implementations override this method to support customized suspend/resume.
 Map<String,Properties> findComponents()
          Find information about all the Camel components available in the classpath and Registry.
protected  void forceLazyInitialization()
          Force some lazy initialization to occur upfront before we start any components and create routes
protected  void forceStopLazyInitialization()
          Force clear lazy initialization so they can be re-created on restart
 ClassLoader getApplicationContextClassLoader()
          Gets the the application context class loader which may be helpful for running camel in other containers
 ClassResolver getClassResolver()
          Returns the class resolver to be used for loading/lookup of classes.
 Component getComponent(String name)
          Gets a component from the context by name.
 Component getComponent(String name, boolean autoCreateComponents)
          Gets a component from the context by name.
<T extends Component>
getComponent(String name, Class<T> componentType)
          Gets a component from the context by name and specifying the expected type of component.
 String getComponentDocumentation(String componentName)
          Returns the HTML documentation for the given camel component
 List<String> getComponentNames()
          Gets a readonly list of names of the components currently registered
 ComponentResolver getComponentResolver()
 DataFormatResolver getDataFormatResolver()
          Gets the current data format resolver
 Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> getDataFormats()
          Gets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.
 Debugger getDebugger()
          Gets the current Debugger
 InterceptStrategy getDefaultBacklogDebugger()
          Gets the default backlog debugger
 InterceptStrategy getDefaultBacklogTracer()
          Gets the default backlog tracer
 FactoryFinder getDefaultFactoryFinder()
          Gets the default FactoryFinder which will be used for the loading the factory class from META-INF
 InterceptStrategy getDefaultTracer()
          Gets the default tracer
 Long getDelayer()
          Gets the delay value
 Endpoint getEndpoint(String uri)
          Resolves the given name to an Endpoint of the specified type.
<T extends Endpoint>
getEndpoint(String name, Class<T> endpointType)
          Resolves the given name to an Endpoint of the specified type.
protected  org.apache.camel.impl.EndpointKey getEndpointKey(String uri)
          Gets the endpoint key to use for lookup or whe adding endpoints to the EndpointRegistry
protected  org.apache.camel.impl.EndpointKey getEndpointKey(String uri, Endpoint endpoint)
          Gets the endpoint key to use for lookup or whe adding endpoints to the EndpointRegistry
 Map<String,Endpoint> getEndpointMap()
          Returns a new Map containing all of the active endpoints with the key of the map being their unique key.
 Collection<Endpoint> getEndpoints()
          Returns the collection of all registered endpoints.
 ErrorHandlerBuilder getErrorHandlerBuilder()
          Gets the default error handler builder which is inherited by the routes
 ScheduledExecutorService getErrorHandlerExecutorService()
          Gets the default shared thread pool for error handlers which leverages this for asynchronous redelivery tasks.
 ExecutorServiceManager getExecutorServiceManager()
          Gets the current ExecutorServiceManager
 ExecutorServiceStrategy getExecutorServiceStrategy()
 FactoryFinder getFactoryFinder(String path)
          Gets the FactoryFinder which will be used for the loading the factory class from META-INF in the given path
 InflightRepository getInflightRepository()
          Gets the inflight repository
 Injector getInjector()
          Returns the injector used to instantiate objects by type
 List<InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
          Gets the interceptor strategies
 List<String> getLanguageNames()
          Gets a readonly list with the names of the languages currently registered.
 LanguageResolver getLanguageResolver()
 List<LifecycleStrategy> getLifecycleStrategies()
          Returns the lifecycle strategies used to handle lifecycle notifications
 ManagementMBeanAssembler getManagementMBeanAssembler()
          Returns the management mbean assembler
 String getManagementName()
          Gets the name this CamelContext was registered in JMX.
 ManagementNameStrategy getManagementNameStrategy()
          Gets the current management name strategy
 ManagementStrategy getManagementStrategy()
          Gets the management strategy
 String getName()
          Gets the name (id) of the this context.
 CamelContextNameStrategy getNameStrategy()
          Gets the current name strategy
 NodeIdFactory getNodeIdFactory()
          Gets the node id factory
 PackageScanClassResolver getPackageScanClassResolver()
          Returns the package scanning class resolver
 ProcessorFactory getProcessorFactory()
          Gets the current ProcessorFactory
 ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> getProducerServicePool()
          Gets the service pool for Producer pooling.
 Map<String,String> getProperties()
          Gets the properties that can be referenced in the camel context
protected  PropertiesComponent getPropertiesComponent()
          Gets the properties component in use.
 String getProperty(String name)
          Gets the property value that can be referenced in the camel context
 String getPropertyPrefixToken()
          Returns the configured property placeholder prefix token if and only if the context has property placeholder abilities, otherwise returns null.
 String getPropertySuffixToken()
          Returns the configured property placeholder suffix token if and only if the context has property placeholder abilities, otherwise returns null.
 Registry getRegistry()
          Returns the registry used to lookup components by name and type such as the Spring ApplicationContext, JNDI or the OSGi Service Registry
<T> T
getRegistry(Class<T> type)
          Returns the registry used to lookup components by name and as the given type
 Route getRoute(String id)
          Gets the route with the given id
 RouteDefinition getRouteDefinition(String id)
          Gets the route definition with the given id
 List<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions()
          Returns a list of the current route definitions
 List<Route> getRoutes()
          Returns the current routes in this context
protected  Map<String,RouteService> getRouteServices()
 List<RouteStartupOrder> getRouteStartupOrder()
          Returns the order in which the route inputs was started.
 ServiceStatus getRouteStatus(String key)
          Returns the current status of the given route
 RuntimeEndpointRegistry getRuntimeEndpointRegistry()
          Gets the RuntimeEndpointRegistry to use, or null if none is in use.
 ShutdownRoute getShutdownRoute()
          Gets the option to use when shutting down the route.
 ShutdownRunningTask getShutdownRunningTask()
          Gets the ShutdownRunningTask option in use when shutting down a route.
 ShutdownStrategy getShutdownStrategy()
          Gets the current shutdown strategy
 StreamCachingStrategy getStreamCachingStrategy()
          Gets the StreamCachingStrategy to use.
 TypeConverter getTypeConverter()
          Returns the type converter used to coerce types from one type to another
 TypeConverterRegistry getTypeConverterRegistry()
          Returns the type converter registry where type converters can be added or looked up
 UnitOfWorkFactory getUnitOfWorkFactory()
          Gets the UnitOfWorkFactory to use.
 String getUptime()
          Gets the uptime in a human readable format
 UuidGenerator getUuidGenerator()
          Gets the current UuidGenerator
 Component hasComponent(String componentName)
          Is the given component already registered?
 Endpoint hasEndpoint(String uri)
          Is the given endpoint already registered?
 boolean hasService(Object object)
          Has the given service already been added to this context?
 Boolean isAllowUseOriginalMessage()
          Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().
 boolean isAutoCreateComponents()
 Boolean isAutoStartup()
          Gets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.
 Boolean isHandleFault()
          Returns whether fault handling enabled
 Boolean isLazyLoadTypeConverters()
 Boolean isMessageHistory()
          Returns whether message history is enabled
 boolean isSetupRoutes()
          Indicates whether current thread is setting up route(s) as part of starting Camel from spring/blueprint.
 boolean isStartingRoutes()
          Indicates whether current thread is starting route(s).
 Boolean isStreamCaching()
          Returns whether stream cache is enabled
 Boolean isTracing()
          Returns whether tracing enabled
 Boolean isTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled()
          Whether or not type converter statistics is enabled.
 Boolean isUseBreadcrumb()
          Whether or not breadcrumb is enabled.
 Boolean isUseMDCLogging()
          Whether or not MDC logging is being enabled.
 RoutesDefinition loadRoutesDefinition(InputStream is)
          Loads a collection of route definitions from the given InputStream.
protected  void logRouteState(Route route, String state)
protected  Component lookupPropertiesComponent()
protected static String normalizeEndpointUri(String uri)
          Normalize uri so we can do endpoint hits with minor mistakes and parameters is not in the same order.
 Component removeComponent(String componentName)
          Removes a previously added component.
 Collection<Endpoint> removeEndpoints(String uri)
          Removes all endpoints with the given URI.
 boolean removeRoute(String routeId)
          Removes the given route (the route must be stopped before it can be removed).
 void removeRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
          Removes a route definition from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running
protected  boolean removeRouteDefinition(String key)
          Removes the route definition with the given key.
 void removeRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
          Removes a collection of route definitions from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running
 boolean removeService(Object object)
          Removes a service from this context.
 DataFormat resolveDataFormat(String name)
          Resolve a data format given its name
 DataFormatDefinition resolveDataFormatDefinition(String name)
          Resolve a data format definition given its name
 Language resolveLanguage(String language)
          Resolves a language for creating expressions
 String resolvePropertyPlaceholders(String text)
          Parses the given text and resolve any property placeholders - using {{key}}.
 void resumeRoute(String routeId)
          Resumes the given route if it has been previously suspended

If the route does not support suspension the route will be started instead

protected  void resumeRouteService(RouteService routeService)
          Resumes the given route service
protected  boolean routeSupportsSuspension(String routeId)
protected  void safelyStartRouteServices(boolean forceAutoStart, boolean checkClash, boolean startConsumer, boolean resumeConsumer, boolean addingRoutes, RouteService... routeServices)
protected  void safelyStartRouteServices(boolean checkClash, boolean startConsumer, boolean resumeConsumer, boolean addingRoutes, Collection<RouteService> routeServices)
          Starts the routes services in a proper manner which ensures the routes will be started in correct order, check for clash and that the routes will also be shutdown in correct order as well.
 void setAllowUseOriginalMessage(Boolean allowUseOriginalMessage)
          Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().
 void setApplicationContextClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
          Sets the application context class loader
 void setAutoCreateComponents(boolean autoCreateComponents)
 void setAutoStartup(Boolean autoStartup)
          Sets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.
 void setClassResolver(ClassResolver classResolver)
          Sets the class resolver to be use
 void setComponentResolver(ComponentResolver componentResolver)
static void setContextCounter(int value)
          Reset context counter to a preset value.
 void setDataFormatResolver(DataFormatResolver dataFormatResolver)
          Sets a custom data format resolver
 void setDataFormats(Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> dataFormats)
          Sets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.
 void setDebugger(Debugger debugger)
          Sets a custom Debugger
 void setDefaultBacklogDebugger(InterceptStrategy defaultBacklogDebugger)
          Sets a custom backlog debugger to be used as the default backlog debugger.
 void setDefaultBacklogTracer(InterceptStrategy backlogTracer)
          Sets a custom backlog tracer to be used as the default backlog tracer.
 void setDefaultTracer(InterceptStrategy tracer)
          Sets a custom tracer to be used as the default tracer.
 void setDelayer(Long delay)
          Sets a delay value in millis that a message is delayed at every step it takes in the route path, slowing the process down to better observe what is occurring

Is disabled by default

 void setErrorHandlerBuilder(ErrorHandlerFactory errorHandlerBuilder)
          Sets the default error handler builder which is inherited by the routes
 void setExecutorServiceManager(ExecutorServiceManager executorServiceManager)
          Sets a custom ExecutorServiceManager
 void setFactoryFinderResolver(FactoryFinderResolver resolver)
          Sets the factory finder resolver to use.
 void setHandleFault(Boolean handleFault)
          Sets whether fault handling is enabled or not (default is disabled).
 void setInflightRepository(InflightRepository repository)
          Sets a custom inflight repository to use
 void setInjector(Injector injector)
 void setInterceptStrategies(List<InterceptStrategy> interceptStrategies)
 void setJndiContext(Context jndiContext)
          Sets the registry to the given JNDI context
 void setLanguageResolver(LanguageResolver languageResolver)
 void setLazyLoadTypeConverters(Boolean lazyLoadTypeConverters)
 void setLifecycleStrategies(List<LifecycleStrategy> lifecycleStrategies)
 void setManagementMBeanAssembler(ManagementMBeanAssembler managementMBeanAssembler)
 void setManagementName(String managementName)
 void setManagementNameStrategy(ManagementNameStrategy managementNameStrategy)
          Sets a custom management name strategy
 void setManagementStrategy(ManagementStrategy managementStrategy)
          Sets the management strategy to use
 void setMessageHistory(Boolean messageHistory)
          Sets whether message history is enabled or not (default is enabled).
 void setName(String name)
          Sets the name of the this context.
 void setNameStrategy(CamelContextNameStrategy nameStrategy)
          Sets a custom name strategy
 void setNodeIdFactory(NodeIdFactory idFactory)
          Uses a custom node id factory when generating auto assigned ids to the nodes in the route definitions
 void setPackageScanClassResolver(PackageScanClassResolver packageScanClassResolver)
          Sets the package scanning class resolver to use
 void setProcessorFactory(ProcessorFactory processorFactory)
          Sets a custom ProcessorFactory
 void setProducerServicePool(ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> producerServicePool)
          Sets a pluggable service pool to use for Producer pooling.
 void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
          Sets the properties that can be referenced in the camel context
 void setRegistry(Registry registry)
 void setRoutes(List<Route> routes)
 void setRuntimeEndpointRegistry(RuntimeEndpointRegistry runtimeEndpointRegistry)
          Sets a custom RuntimeEndpointRegistry to use.
 void setShutdownRoute(ShutdownRoute shutdownRoute)
          Sets the ShutdownRoute option for routes.
 void setShutdownRunningTask(ShutdownRunningTask shutdownRunningTask)
          Sets the ShutdownRunningTask option to use when shutting down a route.
 void setShutdownStrategy(ShutdownStrategy shutdownStrategy)
          Sets a custom shutdown strategy
 void setStreamCaching(Boolean cache)
          Sets whether stream caching is enabled or not (default is disabled).
 void setStreamCachingStrategy(StreamCachingStrategy streamCachingStrategy)
          Sets a custom StreamCachingStrategy to use.
 void setTracing(Boolean tracing)
          Sets whether tracing is enabled or not (default is disabled).
 void setTypeConverter(TypeConverter typeConverter)
 void setTypeConverterRegistry(TypeConverterRegistry typeConverterRegistry)
 void setTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled(Boolean typeConverterStatisticsEnabled)
          Sets whether or not type converter statistics is enabled.
 void setUnitOfWorkFactory(UnitOfWorkFactory unitOfWorkFactory)
          Sets a custom UnitOfWorkFactory to use.
 void setupRoutes(boolean done)
          Method to signal to CamelContext that the process to initialize setup routes is in progress.
 void setUseBreadcrumb(Boolean useBreadcrumb)
          Set whether breadcrumb is enabled.
 void setUseMDCLogging(Boolean useMDCLogging)
          Set whether MDC is enabled.
 void setUuidGenerator(UuidGenerator uuidGenerator)
          Sets a custom UuidGenerator (should only be set once)
protected  boolean shouldStartRoutes()
          Should we start newly added routes?
 void shutdownRoute(String routeId)
          Shutdown and removes the given route using ShutdownStrategy.
 void shutdownRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Shutdown and removes the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.
protected  void shutdownRouteService(RouteService routeService)
 void start()
          Starts the service
 void startAllRoutes()
          Starts all the routes which currently is not started.
 void startRoute(RouteDefinition route)
          Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped
 void startRoute(String routeId)
          Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped
protected  void startRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> list)
protected  void startRouteService(RouteService routeService, boolean addingRoutes)
          Starts the given route service
 void stopRoute(RouteDefinition route)
          Stops the given route.
 void stopRoute(String routeId)
          Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy.
 void stopRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.
 boolean stopRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit, boolean abortAfterTimeout)
          Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout and optional abortAfterTimeout mode.
protected  void stopRouteService(RouteService routeService)
protected  void stopRouteService(RouteService routeService, boolean removingRoutes)
 void suspendRoute(String routeId)
          Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy.
 void suspendRoute(String routeId, long timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit)
          Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.
protected  void suspendRouteService(RouteService routeService)
 String toString()
Methods inherited from class
doShutdown, getStatus, getVersion, isRunAllowed, isStarted, isStarting, isStopped, isStopping, isStoppingOrStopped, isSuspended, isSuspending, resume, shutdown, stop, suspend
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.CamelContext
getStatus, getVersion, stop
Methods inherited from interface org.apache.camel.SuspendableService
isSuspended, resume, suspend

Constructor Detail


public DefaultCamelContext()
Creates the CamelContext using JndiRegistry as registry, but will silently fallback and use SimpleRegistry if JNDI cannot be used.

Use one of the other constructors to force use an explicit registry / JNDI.


public DefaultCamelContext(Context jndiContext)
Creates the CamelContext using the given JNDI context as the registry

jndiContext - the JNDI context


public DefaultCamelContext(Registry registry)
Creates the CamelContext using the given registry

registry - the registry
Method Detail


public String getName()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the name (id) of the this context.

Specified by:
getName in interface CamelContext
the name


public void setName(String name)
Sets the name of the this context.

name - the name


public CamelContextNameStrategy getNameStrategy()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current name strategy

Specified by:
getNameStrategy in interface CamelContext
name strategy


public void setNameStrategy(CamelContextNameStrategy nameStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom name strategy

Specified by:
setNameStrategy in interface CamelContext
nameStrategy - name strategy


public ManagementNameStrategy getManagementNameStrategy()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current management name strategy

Specified by:
getManagementNameStrategy in interface CamelContext
management name strategy


public void setManagementNameStrategy(ManagementNameStrategy managementNameStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom management name strategy

Specified by:
setManagementNameStrategy in interface CamelContext
managementNameStrategy - name strategy


public String getManagementName()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the name this CamelContext was registered in JMX.

The reason that a CamelContext can have a different name in JMX is the fact to remedy for name clash in JMX when having multiple CamelContexts in the same JVM. Camel will automatic reassign and use a free name to avoid failing to start.

Specified by:
getManagementName in interface CamelContext
the management name


public void setManagementName(String managementName)


public Component hasComponent(String componentName)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Is the given component already registered?

Specified by:
hasComponent in interface CamelContext
componentName - the name of the component
the registered Component or null if not registered


public void addComponent(String componentName,
                         Component component)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds a component to the context.

Specified by:
addComponent in interface CamelContext
componentName - the name the component is registered as
component - the component


public Component getComponent(String name)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets a component from the context by name.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface CamelContext
name - the name of the component
the component


public Component getComponent(String name,
                              boolean autoCreateComponents)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets a component from the context by name.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface CamelContext
name - the name of the component
autoCreateComponents - whether or not the component should be lazily created if it does not already exist
the component


public <T extends Component> T getComponent(String name,
                                            Class<T> componentType)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets a component from the context by name and specifying the expected type of component.

Specified by:
getComponent in interface CamelContext
name - the name to lookup
componentType - the expected type
the component


public Component removeComponent(String componentName)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Removes a previously added component.

The component being removed will be stopped first.

Specified by:
removeComponent in interface CamelContext
componentName - the component name to remove
the previously added component or null if it had not been previously added.


public Collection<Endpoint> getEndpoints()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the collection of all registered endpoints.

Specified by:
getEndpoints in interface CamelContext
all endpoints


public Map<String,Endpoint> getEndpointMap()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns a new Map containing all of the active endpoints with the key of the map being their unique key.

Specified by:
getEndpointMap in interface CamelContext
map of active endpoints


public Endpoint hasEndpoint(String uri)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Is the given endpoint already registered?

Specified by:
hasEndpoint in interface CamelContext
uri - the URI of the endpoint
the registered endpoint or null if not registered


public Endpoint addEndpoint(String uri,
                            Endpoint endpoint)
                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds the endpoint to the context using the given URI.

Specified by:
addEndpoint in interface CamelContext
uri - the URI to be used to resolve this endpoint
endpoint - the endpoint to be added to the context
the old endpoint that was previously registered or null if none was registered
Exception - if the new endpoint could not be started or the old endpoint could not be stopped


public Collection<Endpoint> removeEndpoints(String uri)
                                     throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Removes all endpoints with the given URI.

The endpoints being removed will be stopped first.

Specified by:
removeEndpoints in interface CamelContext
uri - an uri or pattern to match
a collection of endpoints removed which could be empty if there are no endpoints found for the given pattern
Exception - if at least one endpoint could not be stopped
See Also:
for pattern


public Endpoint getEndpoint(String uri)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Resolves the given name to an Endpoint of the specified type. If the name has a singleton endpoint registered, then the singleton is returned. Otherwise, a new Endpoint is created and registered.

Specified by:
getEndpoint in interface CamelContext
uri - the URI of the endpoint
the endpoint


public <T extends Endpoint> T getEndpoint(String name,
                                          Class<T> endpointType)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Resolves the given name to an Endpoint of the specified type. If the name has a singleton endpoint registered, then the singleton is returned. Otherwise, a new Endpoint is created and registered.

Specified by:
getEndpoint in interface CamelContext
name - the name of the endpoint
endpointType - the expected type
the endpoint


public void addRegisterEndpointCallback(EndpointStrategy strategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Registers a callback to allow you to do custom logic when an Endpoint is about to be registered to the CamelContext endpoint registry.

When a callback is added it will be executed on the already registered endpoints allowing you to catch-up

Specified by:
addRegisterEndpointCallback in interface CamelContext
strategy - callback to be invoked


protected Endpoint addEndpointToRegistry(String uri,
                                         Endpoint endpoint)
Strategy to add the given endpoint to the internal endpoint registry

uri - uri of the endpoint
endpoint - the endpoint to add
the added endpoint


protected static String normalizeEndpointUri(String uri)
Normalize uri so we can do endpoint hits with minor mistakes and parameters is not in the same order.

uri - the uri
normalized uri
ResolveEndpointFailedException - if uri cannot be normalized


protected org.apache.camel.impl.EndpointKey getEndpointKey(String uri)
Gets the endpoint key to use for lookup or whe adding endpoints to the EndpointRegistry

uri - the endpoint uri
the key


protected org.apache.camel.impl.EndpointKey getEndpointKey(String uri,
                                                           Endpoint endpoint)
Gets the endpoint key to use for lookup or whe adding endpoints to the EndpointRegistry

uri - the endpoint uri
endpoint - the endpoint
the key


public List<RouteStartupOrder> getRouteStartupOrder()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the order in which the route inputs was started.

The order may not be according to the startupOrder defined on the route. For example a route could be started manually later, or new routes added at runtime.

Specified by:
getRouteStartupOrder in interface CamelContext
a list in the order how routes was started


public List<Route> getRoutes()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the current routes in this context

Specified by:
getRoutes in interface CamelContext
the current routes


public Route getRoute(String id)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the route with the given id

Specified by:
getRoute in interface CamelContext
id - id of the route
the route or null if not found


public void setRoutes(List<Route> routes)


public void addRoutes(RoutesBuilder builder)
               throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds a collection of routes to this context using the given builder to build them.

Important: The added routes will only be started, if CamelContext is already started. You may want to check the state of CamelContext before adding the routes, using the CamelContext.getStatus() method.

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

Specified by:
addRoutes in interface CamelContext
builder - the builder which will create the routes and add them to this context
Exception - if the routes could not be created for whatever reason


public RoutesDefinition loadRoutesDefinition(InputStream is)
                                      throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Loads a collection of route definitions from the given InputStream.

Specified by:
loadRoutesDefinition in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
loadRoutesDefinition in interface ModelCamelContext
is - input stream with the route(s) definition to add
the route definitions
Exception - if the route definitions could not be loaded for whatever reason


public void addRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
                         throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Adds a collection of route definitions to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

Specified by:
addRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
addRouteDefinitions in interface ModelCamelContext
routeDefinitions - the route(s) definition to add
Exception - if the route definitions could not be created for whatever reason


public void addRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
                        throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Add a route definition to the context

Important: Each route in the same CamelContext must have an unique route id. If you use the API from CamelContext or ModelCamelContext to add routes, then any new routes which has a route id that matches an old route, then the old route is replaced by the new route.

Specified by:
addRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
addRouteDefinition in interface ModelCamelContext
routeDefinition - the route definition to add
Exception - if the route definition could not be created for whatever reason


protected boolean removeRouteDefinition(String key)
Removes the route definition with the given key.

true if one or more routes was removed


public void removeRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> routeDefinitions)
                            throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Removes a collection of route definitions from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running

Specified by:
removeRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
removeRouteDefinitions in interface ModelCamelContext
routeDefinitions - route(s) definitions to remove
Exception - if the route definitions could not be removed for whatever reason


public void removeRouteDefinition(RouteDefinition routeDefinition)
                           throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Removes a route definition from the context - stopping any previously running routes if any of them are actively running

Specified by:
removeRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
removeRouteDefinition in interface ModelCamelContext
routeDefinition - route definition to remove
Exception - if the route definition could not be removed for whatever reason


public ServiceStatus getRouteStatus(String key)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the current status of the given route

Specified by:
getRouteStatus in interface CamelContext
key - the route id
the status for the route


public void startRoute(RouteDefinition route)
                throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped

Specified by:
startRoute in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
startRoute in interface ModelCamelContext
route - the route to start
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be started for whatever reason


public boolean isStartingRoutes()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Indicates whether current thread is starting route(s).

This can be useful to know by LifecycleStrategy or the likes, in case they need to react differently.

Specified by:
isStartingRoutes in interface CamelContext
true if current thread is starting route(s), or false if not.


public boolean isSetupRoutes()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Indicates whether current thread is setting up route(s) as part of starting Camel from spring/blueprint.

This can be useful to know by LifecycleStrategy or the likes, in case they need to react differently.

As the startup procedure of CamelContext is slightly different when using plain Java versus Spring or Blueprint, then we need to know when Spring/Blueprint is setting up the routes, which can happen after the CamelContext itself is in started state, due the asynchronous event nature of especially Blueprint.

Specified by:
isSetupRoutes in interface CamelContext
true if current thread is setting up route(s), or false if not.


public void stopRoute(RouteDefinition route)
               throws Exception
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Stops the given route.

Specified by:
stopRoute in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
stopRoute in interface ModelCamelContext
route - the route to stop
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason


public void startAllRoutes()
                    throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Starts all the routes which currently is not started.

Specified by:
startAllRoutes in interface CamelContext
Exception - is thrown if a route could not be started for whatever reason


public void startRoute(String routeId)
                throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Starts the given route if it has been previously stopped

Specified by:
startRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be started for whatever reason


public void resumeRoute(String routeId)
                 throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Resumes the given route if it has been previously suspended

If the route does not support suspension the route will be started instead

Specified by:
resumeRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be resumed for whatever reason


public boolean stopRoute(String routeId,
                         long timeout,
                         TimeUnit timeUnit,
                         boolean abortAfterTimeout)
                  throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout and optional abortAfterTimeout mode.

Specified by:
stopRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
abortAfterTimeout - should abort shutdown after timeout
true if the route is stopped before the timeout
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
See Also:
CamelContext.suspendRoute(String, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)


public void stopRoute(String routeId)
               throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy.

Specified by:
stopRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
See Also:


public void stopRoute(String routeId,
                      long timeout,
                      TimeUnit timeUnit)
               throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Stops the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.

Specified by:
stopRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be stopped for whatever reason
See Also:
CamelContext.suspendRoute(String, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit)


public void shutdownRoute(String routeId)
                   throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Shutdown and removes the given route using ShutdownStrategy.

Specified by:
shutdownRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be shutdown for whatever reason


public void shutdownRoute(String routeId,
                          long timeout,
                          TimeUnit timeUnit)
                   throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Shutdown and removes the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.

Specified by:
shutdownRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be shutdown for whatever reason


public boolean removeRoute(String routeId)
                    throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Removes the given route (the route must be stopped before it can be removed).

A route which is removed will be unregistered from JMX, have its services stopped/shutdown and the route definition etc. will also be removed. All the resources related to the route will be stopped and cleared.

End users can use this method to remove unwanted routes or temporary routes which no longer is in demand.

Specified by:
removeRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
true if the route was removed, false if the route could not be removed because its not stopped
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be shutdown for whatever reason


public void suspendRoute(String routeId)
                  throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy.

Suspending a route is more gently than stopping, as the route consumers will be suspended (if they support) otherwise the consumers will be stopped.

By suspending the route services will be kept running (if possible) and therefore its faster to resume the route.

If the route does not support suspension the route will be stopped instead

Specified by:
suspendRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be suspended for whatever reason


public void suspendRoute(String routeId,
                         long timeout,
                         TimeUnit timeUnit)
                  throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Suspends the given route using ShutdownStrategy with a specified timeout.

Suspending a route is more gently than stopping, as the route consumers will be suspended (if they support) otherwise the consumers will be stopped.

By suspending the route services will be kept running (if possible) and therefore its faster to resume the route.

If the route does not support suspension the route will be stopped instead

Specified by:
suspendRoute in interface CamelContext
routeId - the route id
timeout - timeout
timeUnit - the unit to use
Exception - is thrown if the route could not be suspended for whatever reason


public void addService(Object object)
                throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds a service to this context, which allows this context to control the lifecycle, ensuring the service is stopped when the context stops.

The service will also have CamelContext injected if its CamelContextAware. The service will also be enlisted in JMX for management (if JMX is enabled). The service will be started, if its not already started.

Specified by:
addService in interface CamelContext
object - the service
Exception - can be thrown when starting the service


public boolean removeService(Object object)
                      throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Removes a service from this context.

The service is assumed to have been previously added using CamelContext.addService(Object) method. This method will not change the service lifecycle.

Specified by:
removeService in interface CamelContext
object - the service
true if the service was removed, false if no service existed
Exception - can be thrown if error removing the service


public boolean hasService(Object object)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Has the given service already been added to this context?

Specified by:
hasService in interface CamelContext
object - the service
true if already added, false if not.


public void addStartupListener(StartupListener listener)
                        throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds the given listener to be invoked when CamelContext have just been started.

This allows listeners to do any custom work after the routes and other services have been started and are running.

Important: The listener will always be invoked, also if the CamelContext has already been started, see the StartupListener.onCamelContextStarted(CamelContext, boolean) method.

Specified by:
addStartupListener in interface CamelContext
listener - the listener
Exception - can be thrown if CamelContext is already started and the listener is invoked and cause an exception to be thrown


public Map<String,Properties> findComponents()
                                      throws LoadPropertiesException,
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Find information about all the Camel components available in the classpath and Registry.

Specified by:
findComponents in interface CamelContext
a map with the component name, and value with component details.
LoadPropertiesException - is thrown if error during classpath discovery of the components
IOException - is thrown if error during classpath discovery of the components


public String getComponentDocumentation(String componentName)
                                 throws IOException
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the HTML documentation for the given camel component

Specified by:
getComponentDocumentation in interface CamelContext


public String createRouteStaticEndpointJson(String routeId)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a JSON representation of all the static and dynamic configured endpoints defined in the given route(s).

Specified by:
createRouteStaticEndpointJson in interface CamelContext
routeId - for a particular route, or null for all routes
a JSON string


public String createRouteStaticEndpointJson(String routeId,
                                            boolean includeDynamic)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a JSON representation of all the static (and possible dynamic) configured endpoints defined in the given route(s).

Specified by:
createRouteStaticEndpointJson in interface CamelContext
routeId - for a particular route, or null for all routes
includeDynamic - whether to include dynamic endpoints
a JSON string


public Language resolveLanguage(String language)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Resolves a language for creating expressions

Specified by:
resolveLanguage in interface CamelContext
language - name of the language
the resolved language


public String getPropertyPrefixToken()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the configured property placeholder prefix token if and only if the context has property placeholder abilities, otherwise returns null.

Specified by:
getPropertyPrefixToken in interface CamelContext
the prefix token or null


public String getPropertySuffixToken()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the configured property placeholder suffix token if and only if the context has property placeholder abilities, otherwise returns null.

Specified by:
getPropertySuffixToken in interface CamelContext
the suffix token or null


public String resolvePropertyPlaceholders(String text)
                                   throws Exception
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Parses the given text and resolve any property placeholders - using {{key}}.

Specified by:
resolvePropertyPlaceholders in interface CamelContext
text - the text such as an endpoint uri or the likes
the text with resolved property placeholders
Exception - is thrown if property placeholders was used and there was an error resolving them


public TypeConverter getTypeConverter()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the type converter used to coerce types from one type to another

Specified by:
getTypeConverter in interface CamelContext
the converter


public void setTypeConverter(TypeConverter typeConverter)


public TypeConverterRegistry getTypeConverterRegistry()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the type converter registry where type converters can be added or looked up

Specified by:
getTypeConverterRegistry in interface CamelContext
the type converter registry


public void setTypeConverterRegistry(TypeConverterRegistry typeConverterRegistry)


public Injector getInjector()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the injector used to instantiate objects by type

Specified by:
getInjector in interface CamelContext
the injector


public void setInjector(Injector injector)


public ManagementMBeanAssembler getManagementMBeanAssembler()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the management mbean assembler

Specified by:
getManagementMBeanAssembler in interface CamelContext
the mbean assembler


public void setManagementMBeanAssembler(ManagementMBeanAssembler managementMBeanAssembler)


public ComponentResolver getComponentResolver()


public void setComponentResolver(ComponentResolver componentResolver)


public LanguageResolver getLanguageResolver()


public void setLanguageResolver(LanguageResolver languageResolver)


public boolean isAutoCreateComponents()


public void setAutoCreateComponents(boolean autoCreateComponents)


public Registry getRegistry()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the registry used to lookup components by name and type such as the Spring ApplicationContext, JNDI or the OSGi Service Registry

Specified by:
getRegistry in interface CamelContext
the registry


public <T> T getRegistry(Class<T> type)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the registry used to lookup components by name and as the given type

Specified by:
getRegistry in interface CamelContext
type - the registry type such as JndiRegistry
the registry, or null if the given type was not found as a registry implementation


public void setJndiContext(Context jndiContext)
Sets the registry to the given JNDI context

jndiContext - is the JNDI context to use as the registry
See Also:


public void setRegistry(Registry registry)


public List<LifecycleStrategy> getLifecycleStrategies()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the lifecycle strategies used to handle lifecycle notifications

Specified by:
getLifecycleStrategies in interface CamelContext
the lifecycle strategies


public void setLifecycleStrategies(List<LifecycleStrategy> lifecycleStrategies)


public void addLifecycleStrategy(LifecycleStrategy lifecycleStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds the given lifecycle strategy to be used.

Specified by:
addLifecycleStrategy in interface CamelContext
lifecycleStrategy - the strategy


public void setupRoutes(boolean done)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Method to signal to CamelContext that the process to initialize setup routes is in progress.

Specified by:
setupRoutes in interface CamelContext
done - false to start the process, call again with true to signal its done.
See Also:


public List<RouteDefinition> getRouteDefinitions()
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Returns a list of the current route definitions

Specified by:
getRouteDefinitions in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
getRouteDefinitions in interface ModelCamelContext
list of the current route definitions


public RouteDefinition getRouteDefinition(String id)
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Gets the route definition with the given id

Specified by:
getRouteDefinition in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
getRouteDefinition in interface ModelCamelContext
id - id of the route
the route definition or null if not found


public List<InterceptStrategy> getInterceptStrategies()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the interceptor strategies

Specified by:
getInterceptStrategies in interface CamelContext
the list of current interceptor strategies


public void setInterceptStrategies(List<InterceptStrategy> interceptStrategies)


public void addInterceptStrategy(InterceptStrategy interceptStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Adds the given interceptor strategy

Specified by:
addInterceptStrategy in interface CamelContext
interceptStrategy - the strategy


public void setStreamCaching(Boolean cache)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether stream caching is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setStreamCaching in interface RuntimeConfiguration
cache - whether stream caching is enabled or not


public Boolean isStreamCaching()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether stream cache is enabled

Specified by:
isStreamCaching in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if stream cache is enabled


public void setTracing(Boolean tracing)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether tracing is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setTracing in interface RuntimeConfiguration
tracing - whether to enable tracing.


public Boolean isTracing()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether tracing enabled

Specified by:
isTracing in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if tracing is enabled


public Boolean isMessageHistory()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether message history is enabled

Specified by:
isMessageHistory in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if message history is enabled


public void setMessageHistory(Boolean messageHistory)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether message history is enabled or not (default is enabled).

Specified by:
setMessageHistory in interface RuntimeConfiguration
messageHistory - whether message history is enabled


public Boolean isHandleFault()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Returns whether fault handling enabled

Specified by:
isHandleFault in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if fault handling is enabled


public void setHandleFault(Boolean handleFault)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether fault handling is enabled or not (default is disabled).

Specified by:
setHandleFault in interface RuntimeConfiguration
handleFault - whether to enable fault handling.


public Long getDelayer()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the delay value

Specified by:
getDelayer in interface RuntimeConfiguration
delay in millis, or null if disabled


public void setDelayer(Long delay)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets a delay value in millis that a message is delayed at every step it takes in the route path, slowing the process down to better observe what is occurring

Is disabled by default

Specified by:
setDelayer in interface RuntimeConfiguration
delay - delay in millis


public ProducerTemplate createProducerTemplate()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a new ProducerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.

See this FAQ before use: Why does Camel use too many threads with ProducerTemplate?

Important: Make sure to call Service.stop() when you are done using the template, to clean up any resources.

Will use cache size defined in Camel property with key Exchange.MAXIMUM_CACHE_POOL_SIZE. If no key was defined then it will fallback to a default size of 1000. You can also use the ProducerTemplate.setMaximumCacheSize(int) method to use a custom value before starting the template.

Specified by:
createProducerTemplate in interface CamelContext
the template


public ProducerTemplate createProducerTemplate(int maximumCacheSize)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a new ProducerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.

See this FAQ before use: Why does Camel use too many threads with ProducerTemplate?

Important: Make sure to call Service.stop() when you are done using the template, to clean up any resources.

Specified by:
createProducerTemplate in interface CamelContext
maximumCacheSize - the maximum cache size
the template


public ConsumerTemplate createConsumerTemplate()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a new ConsumerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.

See this FAQ before use: Why does Camel use too many threads with ProducerTemplate? as it also applies for ConsumerTemplate.

Important: Make sure to call Service.stop() when you are done using the template, to clean up any resources.

Will use cache size defined in Camel property with key Exchange.MAXIMUM_CACHE_POOL_SIZE. If no key was defined then it will fallback to a default size of 1000. You can also use the ConsumerTemplate.setMaximumCacheSize(int) method to use a custom value before starting the template.

Specified by:
createConsumerTemplate in interface CamelContext
the template


public ConsumerTemplate createConsumerTemplate(int maximumCacheSize)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Creates a new ConsumerTemplate which is started and therefore ready to use right away.

See this FAQ before use: Why does Camel use too many threads with ProducerTemplate? as it also applies for ConsumerTemplate.

Important: Make sure to call Service.stop() when you are done using the template, to clean up any resources.

Specified by:
createConsumerTemplate in interface CamelContext
maximumCacheSize - the maximum cache size
the template


public ErrorHandlerBuilder getErrorHandlerBuilder()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default error handler builder which is inherited by the routes

Specified by:
getErrorHandlerBuilder in interface CamelContext
the builder


public void setErrorHandlerBuilder(ErrorHandlerFactory errorHandlerBuilder)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the default error handler builder which is inherited by the routes

Specified by:
setErrorHandlerBuilder in interface CamelContext
errorHandlerBuilder - the builder


public ScheduledExecutorService getErrorHandlerExecutorService()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default shared thread pool for error handlers which leverages this for asynchronous redelivery tasks.

Specified by:
getErrorHandlerExecutorService in interface CamelContext


public void setProducerServicePool(ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> producerServicePool)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a pluggable service pool to use for Producer pooling.

Specified by:
setProducerServicePool in interface CamelContext
producerServicePool - the pool


public ServicePool<Endpoint,Producer> getProducerServicePool()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the service pool for Producer pooling.

Specified by:
getProducerServicePool in interface CamelContext
the service pool


public UnitOfWorkFactory getUnitOfWorkFactory()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the UnitOfWorkFactory to use.

Specified by:
getUnitOfWorkFactory in interface CamelContext


public void setUnitOfWorkFactory(UnitOfWorkFactory unitOfWorkFactory)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom UnitOfWorkFactory to use.

Specified by:
setUnitOfWorkFactory in interface CamelContext


public RuntimeEndpointRegistry getRuntimeEndpointRegistry()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the RuntimeEndpointRegistry to use, or null if none is in use.

Specified by:
getRuntimeEndpointRegistry in interface CamelContext


public void setRuntimeEndpointRegistry(RuntimeEndpointRegistry runtimeEndpointRegistry)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom RuntimeEndpointRegistry to use.

Specified by:
setRuntimeEndpointRegistry in interface CamelContext


public String getUptime()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the uptime in a human readable format

Specified by:
getUptime in interface CamelContext
the uptime in days/hours/minutes


protected void doSuspend()
                  throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized suspend/resume.

doSuspend in class ServiceSupport


protected void doResume()
                 throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized suspend/resume.

doResume in class ServiceSupport


public void start()
           throws Exception
Description copied from interface: Service
Starts the service

Specified by:
start in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
start in interface Service
start in class ServiceSupport
Exception - is thrown if starting failed


protected void doStart()
                throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.

Important: See ServiceSupport.doStop() for more details.

Specified by:
doStart in class ServiceSupport
See Also:


protected void doStop()
               throws Exception
Description copied from class: ServiceSupport
Implementations override this method to support customized start/stop.

Important: Camel will invoke this ServiceSupport.doStop() method when the service is being stopped. This method will also be invoked if the service is still in uninitialized state (eg has not been started). The method is always called to allow the service to do custom logic when the service is being stopped, such as when CamelContext is shutting down.

Specified by:
doStop in class ServiceSupport
See Also:


protected void doStartOrResumeRoutes(Map<String,RouteService> routeServices,
                                     boolean checkClash,
                                     boolean startConsumer,
                                     boolean resumeConsumer,
                                     boolean addingRoutes)
                              throws Exception
Starts or resumes the routes

routeServices - the routes to start (will only start a route if its not already started)
checkClash - whether to check for startup ordering clash
startConsumer - whether the route consumer should be started. Can be used to warmup the route without starting the consumer.
resumeConsumer - whether the route consumer should be resumed.
addingRoutes - whether we are adding new routes
Exception - is thrown if error starting routes


protected boolean routeSupportsSuspension(String routeId)


protected void startRouteDefinitions(Collection<RouteDefinition> list)
                              throws Exception


protected void startRouteService(RouteService routeService,
                                 boolean addingRoutes)
                          throws Exception
Starts the given route service



protected void resumeRouteService(RouteService routeService)
                           throws Exception
Resumes the given route service



protected void stopRouteService(RouteService routeService,
                                boolean removingRoutes)
                         throws Exception


protected void logRouteState(Route route,
                             String state)


protected void stopRouteService(RouteService routeService)
                         throws Exception


protected void shutdownRouteService(RouteService routeService)
                             throws Exception


protected void suspendRouteService(RouteService routeService)
                            throws Exception


protected void safelyStartRouteServices(boolean checkClash,
                                        boolean startConsumer,
                                        boolean resumeConsumer,
                                        boolean addingRoutes,
                                        Collection<RouteService> routeServices)
                                 throws Exception
Starts the routes services in a proper manner which ensures the routes will be started in correct order, check for clash and that the routes will also be shutdown in correct order as well.

This method must be used to start routes in a safe manner.

checkClash - whether to check for startup order clash
startConsumer - whether the route consumer should be started. Can be used to warmup the route without starting the consumer.
resumeConsumer - whether the route consumer should be resumed.
addingRoutes - whether we are adding new routes
routeServices - the routes
Exception - is thrown if error starting the routes


protected void safelyStartRouteServices(boolean forceAutoStart,
                                        boolean checkClash,
                                        boolean startConsumer,
                                        boolean resumeConsumer,
                                        boolean addingRoutes,
                                        RouteService... routeServices)
                                 throws Exception
See Also:


protected void forceLazyInitialization()
Force some lazy initialization to occur upfront before we start any components and create routes


protected void forceStopLazyInitialization()
Force clear lazy initialization so they can be re-created on restart


protected TypeConverter createTypeConverter()
Lazily create a default implementation


protected Injector createInjector()
Lazily create a default implementation


protected ManagementMBeanAssembler createManagementMBeanAssembler()
Lazily create a default implementation


protected ComponentResolver createComponentResolver()
Lazily create a default implementation


protected Registry createRegistry()
Lazily create a default implementation


protected Endpoint createEndpoint(String uri)
A pluggable strategy to allow an endpoint to be created without requiring a component to be its factory, such as for looking up the URI inside some Registry

uri - the uri for the endpoint to be created
the newly created endpoint or null if it could not be resolved


protected Endpoint convertBeanToEndpoint(String uri,
                                         Object bean)
Strategy method for attempting to convert the bean from a Registry to an endpoint using some kind of transformation or wrapper

uri - the uri for the endpoint (and name in the registry)
bean - the bean to be converted to an endpoint, which will be not null
a new endpoint


protected boolean shouldStartRoutes()
Should we start newly added routes?


protected PropertiesComponent getPropertiesComponent()
Gets the properties component in use. Returns null if no properties component is in use.


public void setDataFormats(Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> dataFormats)
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Sets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.

Specified by:
setDataFormats in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
setDataFormats in interface ModelCamelContext
dataFormats - the data formats


public Map<String,DataFormatDefinition> getDataFormats()
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Gets the data formats that can be referenced in the routes.

Specified by:
getDataFormats in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
getDataFormats in interface ModelCamelContext
the data formats available


public Map<String,String> getProperties()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the properties that can be referenced in the camel context

Specified by:
getProperties in interface CamelContext
the properties


public void setProperties(Map<String,String> properties)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the properties that can be referenced in the camel context

Specified by:
setProperties in interface CamelContext
properties - properties


public FactoryFinder getDefaultFactoryFinder()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default FactoryFinder which will be used for the loading the factory class from META-INF

Specified by:
getDefaultFactoryFinder in interface CamelContext
the default factory finder


public void setFactoryFinderResolver(FactoryFinderResolver resolver)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the factory finder resolver to use.

Specified by:
setFactoryFinderResolver in interface CamelContext
resolver - the factory finder resolver


public FactoryFinder getFactoryFinder(String path)
                               throws NoFactoryAvailableException
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the FactoryFinder which will be used for the loading the factory class from META-INF in the given path

Specified by:
getFactoryFinder in interface CamelContext
path - the META-INF path
the factory finder
NoFactoryAvailableException - is thrown if a factory could not be found


public ClassResolver getClassResolver()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the class resolver to be used for loading/lookup of classes.

Specified by:
getClassResolver in interface CamelContext
the resolver


public void setClassResolver(ClassResolver classResolver)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the class resolver to be use

Specified by:
setClassResolver in interface CamelContext
classResolver - the resolver


public PackageScanClassResolver getPackageScanClassResolver()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Returns the package scanning class resolver

Specified by:
getPackageScanClassResolver in interface CamelContext
the resolver


public void setPackageScanClassResolver(PackageScanClassResolver packageScanClassResolver)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the package scanning class resolver to use

Specified by:
setPackageScanClassResolver in interface CamelContext
packageScanClassResolver - the resolver


public List<String> getComponentNames()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets a readonly list of names of the components currently registered

Specified by:
getComponentNames in interface CamelContext
a readonly list with the names of the the components


public List<String> getLanguageNames()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets a readonly list with the names of the languages currently registered.

Specified by:
getLanguageNames in interface CamelContext
a readonly list with the names of the the languages


public NodeIdFactory getNodeIdFactory()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the node id factory

Specified by:
getNodeIdFactory in interface CamelContext
the node id factory


public void setNodeIdFactory(NodeIdFactory idFactory)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Uses a custom node id factory when generating auto assigned ids to the nodes in the route definitions

Specified by:
setNodeIdFactory in interface CamelContext
idFactory - custom factory to use


public ManagementStrategy getManagementStrategy()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the management strategy

Specified by:
getManagementStrategy in interface CamelContext
the management strategy


public void setManagementStrategy(ManagementStrategy managementStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the management strategy to use

Specified by:
setManagementStrategy in interface CamelContext
managementStrategy - the management strategy


public InterceptStrategy getDefaultTracer()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default tracer

Specified by:
getDefaultTracer in interface CamelContext
the default tracer


public void setDefaultTracer(InterceptStrategy tracer)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom tracer to be used as the default tracer.

Note: This must be set before any routes are created, changing the default tracer for existing routes is not supported.

Specified by:
setDefaultTracer in interface CamelContext
tracer - the custom tracer to use as default tracer


public InterceptStrategy getDefaultBacklogTracer()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default backlog tracer

Specified by:
getDefaultBacklogTracer in interface CamelContext
the default backlog tracer


public void setDefaultBacklogTracer(InterceptStrategy backlogTracer)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom backlog tracer to be used as the default backlog tracer.

Note: This must be set before any routes are created, changing the default backlog tracer for existing routes is not supported.

Specified by:
setDefaultBacklogTracer in interface CamelContext
backlogTracer - the custom tracer to use as default backlog tracer


public InterceptStrategy getDefaultBacklogDebugger()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the default backlog debugger

Specified by:
getDefaultBacklogDebugger in interface CamelContext
the default backlog debugger


public void setDefaultBacklogDebugger(InterceptStrategy defaultBacklogDebugger)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom backlog debugger to be used as the default backlog debugger.

Note: This must be set before any routes are created, changing the default backlog debugger for existing routes is not supported.

Specified by:
setDefaultBacklogDebugger in interface CamelContext
defaultBacklogDebugger - the custom debugger to use as default backlog debugger


public void disableJMX()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Disables using JMX as ManagementStrategy.

Important: This method must be called before the CamelContext is started.

Specified by:
disableJMX in interface CamelContext


public InflightRepository getInflightRepository()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the inflight repository

Specified by:
getInflightRepository in interface CamelContext
the repository


public void setInflightRepository(InflightRepository repository)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom inflight repository to use

Specified by:
setInflightRepository in interface CamelContext
repository - the repository


public void setAutoStartup(Boolean autoStartup)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.

Important: Currently only routes can be disabled, as CamelContexts are always started.
Note: When setting auto startup false on CamelContext then that takes precedence and no routes is started. You would need to start CamelContext explicit using the CamelContext.start() method, to start the context, and then you would need to start the routes manually using CamelContext.startRoute(String).

Default is true to always start up.

Specified by:
setAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
autoStartup - whether to start up automatically.


public Boolean isAutoStartup()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets whether the object should automatically start when Camel starts.

Important: Currently only routes can be disabled, as CamelContexts are always started.
Default is true to always start up.

Specified by:
isAutoStartup in interface RuntimeConfiguration
true if object should automatically start


public Boolean isLazyLoadTypeConverters()

Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Whether or not type converters should be loaded lazy

Specified by:
isLazyLoadTypeConverters in interface CamelContext
true to load lazy, false to load on startup


public void setLazyLoadTypeConverters(Boolean lazyLoadTypeConverters)

Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets whether type converters should be loaded lazy

Specified by:
setLazyLoadTypeConverters in interface CamelContext
lazyLoadTypeConverters - true to load lazy, false to load on startup


public Boolean isTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Whether or not type converter statistics is enabled.

By default the type converter utilization statistics is disabled. Notice: If enabled then there is a slight performance impact under very heavy load.

Specified by:
isTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled in interface CamelContext
true if enabled, false if disabled (default).


public void setTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled(Boolean typeConverterStatisticsEnabled)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets whether or not type converter statistics is enabled.

By default the type converter utilization statistics is disabled. Notice: If enabled then there is a slight performance impact under very heavy load.

You can enable/disable the statistics at runtime using the org.apache.camel.spi.TypeConverterRegistry#getStatistics()#setTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled(Boolean) method, or from JMX on the ManagedTypeConverterRegistryMBean mbean.

Specified by:
setTypeConverterStatisticsEnabled in interface CamelContext
typeConverterStatisticsEnabled - true to enable, false to disable


public Boolean isUseMDCLogging()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Whether or not MDC logging is being enabled.

Specified by:
isUseMDCLogging in interface CamelContext
true if MDC logging is enabled


public void setUseMDCLogging(Boolean useMDCLogging)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Set whether MDC is enabled.

Specified by:
setUseMDCLogging in interface CamelContext
useMDCLogging - true to enable MDC logging, false to disable


public Boolean isUseBreadcrumb()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Whether or not breadcrumb is enabled.

Specified by:
isUseBreadcrumb in interface CamelContext
true if breadcrumb is enabled


public void setUseBreadcrumb(Boolean useBreadcrumb)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Set whether breadcrumb is enabled.

Specified by:
setUseBreadcrumb in interface CamelContext
useBreadcrumb - true to enable breadcrumb, false to disable


public ClassLoader getApplicationContextClassLoader()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the the application context class loader which may be helpful for running camel in other containers

Specified by:
getApplicationContextClassLoader in interface CamelContext
the application context class loader


public void setApplicationContextClassLoader(ClassLoader classLoader)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets the application context class loader

Specified by:
setApplicationContextClassLoader in interface CamelContext
classLoader - the class loader


public DataFormatResolver getDataFormatResolver()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current data format resolver

Specified by:
getDataFormatResolver in interface CamelContext
the resolver


public void setDataFormatResolver(DataFormatResolver dataFormatResolver)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom data format resolver

Specified by:
setDataFormatResolver in interface CamelContext
dataFormatResolver - the resolver


public DataFormat resolveDataFormat(String name)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Resolve a data format given its name

Specified by:
resolveDataFormat in interface CamelContext
name - the data format name or a reference to it in the Registry
the resolved data format, or null if not found


public DataFormatDefinition resolveDataFormatDefinition(String name)
Description copied from interface: ModelCamelContext
Resolve a data format definition given its name

Specified by:
resolveDataFormatDefinition in interface CamelContext
Specified by:
resolveDataFormatDefinition in interface ModelCamelContext
name - the data format definition name or a reference to it in the Registry
the resolved data format definition, or null if not found


protected Component lookupPropertiesComponent()


public ShutdownStrategy getShutdownStrategy()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current shutdown strategy

Specified by:
getShutdownStrategy in interface CamelContext
the strategy


public void setShutdownStrategy(ShutdownStrategy shutdownStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom shutdown strategy

Specified by:
setShutdownStrategy in interface CamelContext
shutdownStrategy - the custom strategy


public ShutdownRoute getShutdownRoute()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the option to use when shutting down the route.

Specified by:
getShutdownRoute in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public void setShutdownRoute(ShutdownRoute shutdownRoute)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets the ShutdownRoute option for routes.

Specified by:
setShutdownRoute in interface RuntimeConfiguration
shutdownRoute - the option to use.


public ShutdownRunningTask getShutdownRunningTask()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Gets the ShutdownRunningTask option in use when shutting down a route.

Specified by:
getShutdownRunningTask in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public void setShutdownRunningTask(ShutdownRunningTask shutdownRunningTask)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets the ShutdownRunningTask option to use when shutting down a route.

Specified by:
setShutdownRunningTask in interface RuntimeConfiguration
shutdownRunningTask - the option to use.


public void setAllowUseOriginalMessage(Boolean allowUseOriginalMessage)
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().

Turning this off can optimize performance, as defensive copy of the original message is not needed.

Specified by:
setAllowUseOriginalMessage in interface RuntimeConfiguration
allowUseOriginalMessage - the option to use.


public Boolean isAllowUseOriginalMessage()
Description copied from interface: RuntimeConfiguration
Sets whether to allow access to the original message from Camel's error handler, or from UnitOfWork.getOriginalInMessage().

Turning this off can optimize performance, as defensive copy of the original message is not needed.

Specified by:
isAllowUseOriginalMessage in interface RuntimeConfiguration
the option


public ExecutorServiceManager getExecutorServiceManager()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current ExecutorServiceManager

Specified by:
getExecutorServiceManager in interface CamelContext
the manager


public ExecutorServiceStrategy getExecutorServiceStrategy()

Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current ExecutorServiceStrategy

Specified by:
getExecutorServiceStrategy in interface CamelContext
the manager


public void setExecutorServiceManager(ExecutorServiceManager executorServiceManager)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom ExecutorServiceManager

Specified by:
setExecutorServiceManager in interface CamelContext
executorServiceManager - the custom manager


public ProcessorFactory getProcessorFactory()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current ProcessorFactory

Specified by:
getProcessorFactory in interface CamelContext
the factory, can be null if no custom factory has been set


public void setProcessorFactory(ProcessorFactory processorFactory)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom ProcessorFactory

Specified by:
setProcessorFactory in interface CamelContext
processorFactory - the custom factory


public Debugger getDebugger()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current Debugger

Specified by:
getDebugger in interface CamelContext
the debugger


public void setDebugger(Debugger debugger)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom Debugger

Specified by:
setDebugger in interface CamelContext
debugger - the debugger


public UuidGenerator getUuidGenerator()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the current UuidGenerator

Specified by:
getUuidGenerator in interface CamelContext
the uuidGenerator


public void setUuidGenerator(UuidGenerator uuidGenerator)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom UuidGenerator (should only be set once)

Specified by:
setUuidGenerator in interface CamelContext
uuidGenerator - the UUID Generator


public StreamCachingStrategy getStreamCachingStrategy()
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the StreamCachingStrategy to use.

Specified by:
getStreamCachingStrategy in interface CamelContext


public void setStreamCachingStrategy(StreamCachingStrategy streamCachingStrategy)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Sets a custom StreamCachingStrategy to use.

Specified by:
setStreamCachingStrategy in interface CamelContext


public String getProperty(String name)
Description copied from interface: CamelContext
Gets the property value that can be referenced in the camel context

Specified by:
getProperty in interface CamelContext
the string value of property


protected Map<String,RouteService> getRouteServices()


protected ManagementStrategy createManagementStrategy()


public static void setContextCounter(int value)
Reset context counter to a preset value. Mostly used for tests to ensure a predictable getName()

value - new value for the context counter


public String toString()
toString in class Object

Apache Camel